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CSE 143 : 20 Jun 2000 : Welcome

Contacting me

For most purposes I am klee@cs, though messages to cse143-staff@cs or the uwash.class.cse143.bboard newsgroup may be answered more rapidly since the entire staff has access to them.

All section materials that I prepare will be posted to the section web page. Currently, I am storing my section materials at the following URL:


If you want to reach me anonymously, you can do so using the following form:


Office hours are to be determined. I will probably hold them at the lab in Mary Gates Hall. Check the course web page or my page for updates.

C review

C topics you should be familiar with:


/* C way */ // C++ way typedef struct { struct Student { int id; int id; char name[40]; char name[40]; } Student; };

Structs can be nested. Can you rewrite the above so that the name is a nested struct that contains 2 members for first and last names?

Last modified: Wed Jun 21 17:53:08 PDT 2000