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CSE 143 : 22 Jun 2000

Review of administrative stuff

Here is the URL where I store all my section materials:


My office hours, starting this Thursday (today), are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. by the lab in Mary Gates Hall, or by appointment (e-mail me).

Also, make sure you are subscribed to the following mailing lists:

Go to this URL to learn how to subscribe:


Review: software development

In this course, you will be developing software projects considerably larger than the projects you developed in 142.

The major challenge in this course is learning to write modular programs. A modular program is one in which the problem has been decomposed into distinct, logically organized pieces. At a low level, modularity is achieved using functions to decompose algorithms, and classes to decompose data objects.

At a higher level, C and C++ use files to group logically related functions and classes. There are two kinds of files in C++:

.h (header) files
Header files are usually used to hold declarations of objects such as constants, functions, etc.

.cpp (implementation) files
.cpp files contain implementations of the functions in the corresponding header file, along with any declarations etc. necessary to make the implementations work.

Last modified: Wed Jun 21 20:47:50 PDT 2000