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CSE 143/AE : 8 August 2000


O(n2) sorts


IDEA: "While the array is not sorted, swap adjacent elements that are out of order."

for (int i=0; i<len; i++) for (int j=0; j<len-i; j++) if (array[j] > array[j+1]) swap(array[j], array[j+1]);

Bubblesort takes its name from the image of the "lightest" elements "rising" to the top of the array, like bubbles in water. Bubblesort comes in unidirectional and bidirectional varieties; the latter is not asymptotically better than the former, but shaves a constant factor off the running time.


IDEA: "Select the minimum element in the current array and place it in the first position. Then, do the same for the remainder of the array."

This has a natural recursive formulation, of course:

select_sort(T * array, int left, int right) { if (left != right) { int min_idx = find_min_idx(array, left, right); swap(array[left], array[min_idx)); select_sort(array, left+1, right); } }

However, this has a significant asymptotic space cost (what is it?). Therefore, the iterative version is usually preferred. You should be able to write the iterative version in about 10 minutes; it's also in last week's notes.

Compared to bubblesort, selectsort performs fewer swaps (what is the worst case?) but an asymptotically similar number of comparisons, and hence is no better.


IDEA: "Start with the empty sorted subarray. Take each element in turn from the unsorted subarray, and insert it in the proper order in the sorted subarray."

You have covered/will cover this thoroughly in lecture, so I won't rehash it here.

Last modified: Tue Aug 8 10:20:27 PDT 2000