CSE 143, Project 3 Report Turnin Form

Help for first time users.

1. Who are you?


2. Which system/compiler did you use?


Where did you work? Mary Gates Hall first-floor lab (CRC)
Mary Gates Hall Introductory Programming Lab (IPL)
Elsewhere on campus
Operating System: If "Other", specify:
Platform: If "Other", specify:

3. Give Us Your Report.


Please select the file that contains your report. This can be either a plain text file or any file that can be opened by recent versions of Microsoft Word..

Tab Setting: report.txt

4. Press the TURN-IN button when you are ready.

If there is no response immediately, please try to be patient for a few minutes. If you want to back out and try again, hit the Stop botton on the tool bar; please don't press the TURN IN button again until you've done this.

If there are errors, you'll be told, and you can turn-in again. You can turn in as many times as you wish; only the last turn-in will be graded. Previous turn-ins are not graded.