// CSE 143 Homework 8: Huffman Coding (instructor-provided file) // // author: Marty Stepp, 2009/03/06 // based on Huffman client programs by Stuart Reges, written 5/25/05 // // This client program interacts with the user to compress and decompress files // using your HuffmanTree class. // // This version supports command-line arguments and can be run such as: // java HuffMain2 c example.txt example.huf // java HuffMain2 d example.huf example.out import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class HuffMain2 extends HuffMain { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { System.out.println("This program encodes/decodes extra credit Huffman files."); String choice; if (args.length >= 1) { choice = args[0]; } else { System.out.print("(c)ompress or (d)ecompress? "); choice = CONSOLE.nextLine().toLowerCase().trim(); } long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String inputFileName = args.length >= 2 ? args[1] : ""; String outputFileName = args.length >= 3 ? args[2] : ""; if (choice.startsWith("c")) { startTime = compress(inputFileName, outputFileName); } else if (choice.startsWith("d")) { startTime = decompress(inputFileName, outputFileName); } long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; System.out.println("\nDone. (" + elapsed + "ms)"); } // interacts with the user to compress a file and returns elapsed time in MS public static long compress(String inputFileName, String outputFileName) throws IOException { // prompt for input file name and count characters in input file boolean suppliedInputFileName = true; if (inputFileName == "") { suppliedInputFileName = false; inputFileName = getInputFileName(); } System.out.println("Reading file and counting characters ..."); Map counts = getCounts(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(inputFileName))); // use huffman tree to create bit encodings for each character HuffmanTree tree = new HuffmanTree2(counts); System.out.println("\nCharacter encodings:"); Map encodings = tree.createEncodings(); printEncodings(encodings); // prompt for output file name (print to System.out if left blank) if (!suppliedInputFileName && outputFileName == "") { System.out.print("Output file name (blank for System.out)? "); outputFileName = CONSOLE.nextLine().trim(); } OutputStream output = new OpenPrintStream(System.out); if (outputFileName.length() > 0) { output = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFileName)); } // open source file, open output InputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(inputFileName)); boolean bitMode = !DEBUG && !(output instanceof OpenPrintStream); BitOutputStream bitOut = new BitOutputStream(output, bitMode); if (!encodings.containsKey(BitOutputStream.EOF)) { throw new RuntimeException("Your encodings map does not contain an " + "encoding for end-of-file (EOF) character (ASCII 256)"); } bitOut.setEOFEncoding(encodings.get(BitOutputStream.EOF)); // compress the file System.out.println("Compressing ..."); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); tree.compress(input, bitOut); if (output instanceof BufferedOutputStream) { bitOut.close(); output.close(); } else { System.out.println(); } return startTime; } // Interacts with user to decompress a file and returns time elapsed in MS. public static long decompress(String inputFileName, String outputFileName) throws IOException { boolean suppliedInputFileName = true; if (inputFileName == "") { suppliedInputFileName = false; inputFileName = getInputFileName(); } // create tree (no counts are passed this time but 1 EOF; you're on your own!) Map counts = new TreeMap(); counts.put(BitOutputStream.EOF, 1); HuffmanTree tree = new HuffmanTree2(counts); // prompt for output file name if (!suppliedInputFileName && outputFileName == "") { System.out.print("Output file name (blank for System.out)? "); outputFileName = CONSOLE.nextLine().trim(); } // set up in/out streams (wrap in BitIn/OutStreams for EOF and bit mode) InputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(inputFileName)); OutputStream output = new OpenPrintStream(System.out); if (outputFileName.length() > 0) { output = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFileName)); } BitOutputStream bitOut = new BitOutputStream(output); boolean bitMode = !DEBUG; BitInputStream bitIn = new BitInputStream(input, bitOut, bitMode); // use huffman tree and counts to decompress the input file System.out.println("Decompressing " + inputFileName + " ..."); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); tree.decompress(bitIn, bitOut); if (outputFileName.length() > 0) { output.close(); } return startTime; } }