Project Reports

The report should be an electronic document (either raw ASCII text, MS Word file, or a PDF file). The key elements of your report include:

Please include all of the following elements in your report, using the same section numbering as here.

  1. title of project;
  2. names and roles of each teammate;
  3. what the program is supposed to do;
  4. technique used and brief description (half a page) of how that technique works. If you use multiple AI techniques then describe each one but with somewhat less detail for each one;
  5. either a screen shot or a transcript of an interesting sample session;
  6. brief demo instructions;
  7. code excerpt showing some interesting part(s) of your Python code and some explanation of it;
  8. brief description of what each team member learned in this project;
  9. what you would like to add to your program if you had more time;
  10. citations for any references you used in the project.
  11. As an "appendix" to the project, provide full source code for your program.


Submit your report via Catalyst CollectIt. Also submit your source code and any images that are needed to run your project. All materials are due Thursday, June 6, at 11:45 PM.