CSE logo University of Washington Department of Computer Science & Engineering
 CSE 326: Data Structures, Summer 2003
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 Turnin Info

Electronic Turnin Instructions

To turn in your files electronically, you will need to:
  • be on one of the CSE instructional machines (fiji, etc.),
  • be in the directory containing your files, and
  • run a command that looks similar to:
    	turnin -c cse326=AA -p hw1 File1.java File2.java README.txt
    but contains the appropriate information substituted as follows:
    • your section (AA, AB) instead of AA,
    • the homework number (hw2, hw3, ...) instead of hw1, and
    • the files that you want to submit (e.g,. ExpTree.java ExpStack.java) instead of File1.java File2.java.

    If your turnin is successful, you should be getting the happy "Your files have been submitted" message.


Submit only the Java/C++ source files, unless specified otherwise in the homework. For example, do not submit .class or a.out files.
Also submit a makefile if your submission is in C++.

Only one person should submit on behalf of a team, for team projects.

Make sure your program compiles and runs on a CSE instructional machine (like fiji). While you are encouraged to develop and run your programs on your desktop machine (e.g., under Eclipse), you must ensure that they compile and run on an instructional Unix machine, before turning them in.

Important: only your last turnin is kept on the server. You may resubmit a newer version of your homework (use the same turnin command), in which case the previous version will be lost. Resubmitting after the homework deadline is, therefore, unwise, since it will not be graded (unless you are using your one "late day"), while your timely submission (which you supposedly had made earlier) will no longer be available to us.

Printing: If you are instructed to submit hard copies in class, these must be the printouts of your latest electronic turnin. Use the following command to produce a double-column, double-sided printout:

	enscript -2r -p - File1.java File2.java | lpr -Zduplex -Pps232
(substitute your files for File1.java File2.java and the correct printer for ps232).

CSE logo Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX
[comments to cse326-staff@cs.washington.edu]