CSE331 Autumn 2011
Software Design and Implementation

Eclipse quick reference for 331
These are some tips for things that can make your life easier in Eclipse.  It might be useful to come back to this page now and then as you become more comfortable with Eclipse. There is more than one way to apply most of these and other Eclipse shortcuts.. There are many more shortcuts of various sorts in Eclipse—explore some and enjoy! 

Auto-complete Ctrl-Space helps you complete some code you've started.  Examples include (a) completing partial variables, method names and class names,  (b) showing available constructors or parameters and (c) showing methods to override.
Organize import statements Ctrl-Shift-O (that's O as in Organize) updates the import statements at the top of your class, adding classes that need to be imported and removing classes that you're no longer using.  If a class name is ambiguous — e.g., List might be either java.util.List and java.awt.List — Eclipse asks which you want.
Look up Java API documentation Shift-F2 when your cursor is on a class or method name.  (You have to configure this feature with the location of the API documentation.)
Comment or uncomment a block of code Ctrl-/ comments the highlighted region. Ctrl-\ uncomments the region.
Rename or move packages, classes, etc. Alt-Shift-R (Rename) or Alt-Shift-V (Move) renames or moves the package, class, method or variable your cursor is over, updating all references automatically.
Delete current line Ctrl-D when cursor is in the line to be deleted.
Mark TODO items as reminders for yourself If you start a comment with TODO Eclipse automatically puts the comment in the Tasks pane (which also shows your compile errors).  You can jump to TODO items or compile errors in your code quickly by double-clicking on them.
Generate get() and set() methods Make sure the fields are declared in the class, then right-click and use Source » Generate Getter and Setter.
Run recently run classes or unit tests The little "play" icon on the toolbar runs the most recently run class or unit test. Pull-down its menu to select another recent run.
Turn off console autoraise When a program writes to standard out (say, via println), Eclipse raises the "console" perspective. This may be annoying when you run tests, for example. To turn this off, go to Window » Preferences » Run/Debug » Console and uncheck Show when program writes to standard out.
Emacs key bindings If you prefer to use Emacs key bindings, use Window » Preferences... » General » Keys » Modify and set to Emacs.