CSE370 Final Exam (12 December 2003) Solution


Please read through the entire examination first!  This exam was designed to be completed in 100 minutes (one hour and 40 minutes) and, hopefully, this estimate will be reasonable.  There are 4 problems for a total of 100 points.  The point value of each problem is indicated in the table below.

Each problem and sub-problem is on a separate sheet of paper.  Write your answer neatly in the space provided.  If you need more space (you shouldn't), you can write on the back of the sheet where the question is posed, but please make sure that you indicate clearly the problem to which the comments apply.  Do NOT use any other paper to hand in your answers.

The exam is CLOSED book and CLOSED notes.  Please do not ask or provide anything to anyone else in the class during the exam.  Make sure to ask clarification questions early so that both you and the others may benefit as much as possible from the answers.

Good luck and have a great winter break.

Name:   Jill Engineer

ID#:       050370




Max Score


















1. Boolean Algebra (15 points)

(a – 5 pts) The following circuit implements a Boolean function of 5 variables (A, B, C, S1, and S2).  It uses five 4:1 multiplexers.  Note that S1 and S2 are simply used to select one of four functions of A, B, and C.  Write the equations for these four functions.  We’ll call them F0, F1, F2, and F3.  Inputs to the multiplexer are numbered from 0 to 3 top to bottom, control inputs are high-order on the left, low-order on the right.




F0 = A xor B = A’B + AB’

F1 = B xor C = B’C + BC’

F2 = A xor B xor C =  A’B’C + A’BC’ + AB’C’ + ABC

F3 = ABC


(b – 5 pts) We will now use a new kind of programmable logic called a DAL (Decoder Array Logic) to re-implement our logic function.  The schematic of a very useful DAL370V4 component is given below.  Show which connections need to be made to the OR gates to implement Z (show the connections as an X at the intersection of the OR input line and the decoder outputs).  Decoder outputs are numbered 0 to 7 from top to bottom, control inputs are high-order on the left, low-order on the right.




(c – 5 pts) On the other hand, it might be more efficient to implement this function in a ROM.  Let’s assume we have a 32 word by 1-bit ROM available.  Complete the table of ROM contents below (note that only 12 of the 32 words are shown – only complete these 12). 



2. Sequential Logic (20 points)

(a – 5pts) You are given a basic edge-triggered D-type flip-flop.  Your task is to turn it into a new kind of flip-flop that we’ll call a toggle (or T-type) flip-flop.  It will have two inputs in addition to the clock signal: R, a synchronous reset signal; and T, the toggle input.  When T is high at a positive clock edge, the value of Q will become the opposite of what it was previously.  When T is low at a positive clock edge, the value of Q will not change.  Using only simple gates (OR, AND, NOT, XOR – with as many inputs as you need) around the D-FF, create a T-FF.  Fill in the equation for D as well as drawing a circuit around the D-FF below left.  Your objective is to create a module like the T-FF symbol below right.


D = f(R, T, Q) = R’T’Q + R’TQ’ = R’(T xor Q)  

 this truth-table makes the synchronous reset dominant over T.




(b – 10 pts) By now, you have your T-FF ready to go.  Design a reset-able 4-bit binary up-counter with enable using your new T-FF as the replicated component.  Four of them are provided below.  Draw your logic around them.  Again, you should only need to use simple gates (with any number of inputs).  Clearly label: the reset (RESET) signal for the entire counter; 4 output bits (labeled with LSB – least-significant bit – and MSB – most-significant bit – from left to right); and the counter’s enable (ENABLE) signal.  When enable is low, the counter should not change value.  When ENABLE is high, it should count to the next binary value.





In a binary counter, the low-order toggles at every count.  Thus, ENABLE is connected to the T input of the LSB.  The second low-order bit toggles when the counter is ENABLEd and the previous bit is 1.  Similarly for each subsequent bit, however, this would require a larger and larger AND gate at each stage.  We can use just a two-input AND at each state if we daisy-chain the toggle inputs.  The second bit toggles if the previous bit is 1 and is also enabled to toggle.  And, so on.
(c – 5 pts) Do you foresee any issues with making this type of counter into a longer counter (say, 32 bits long)?  Write a couple of sentences at most.

If you made a daisy-chain of 2-input AND gates, then the issue is that this chain grows linearly with the size of the counter.

If you used an AND gate with inputs from all previous stages, then the issue is that the fanin of this gate grows linearly with the size of the counter.

In either case, the delay will get prohibitively long.

3. Finite State Machine Implementation (35 points)

For this problem, you will implement a finite-state machine using the parts provided below.  However, you’ll have to figure out what the parts can do for you by reading their Verilog models.  Read these Verilog descriptions carefully.



(a – 10 pts) What are the two components you’ve been provided?  Describe the functions implemented by Thing_1 and Thing_2 with at most a couple of sentences for each.  Be specific, complete, and relate them to parts you already know.


Thing_1 is a ….

                  4-bit binary up/down-counter with count enable, direction input, and clear.


Thing_2 is a ….

                  3-8 decoder with A being the most-significant and
                                             C being the least-significant control bits.


(b – 10pts) In one of the lab assignments this quarter, you implemented a finite-state machine to play a simple “tug-of-war” game using two push buttons and seven LEDs.  The state diagram for that FSM is given below.  You can assume you have the two inputs, L and R, they are high for exactly one cycle whenever the left and right push buttons are pressed.

For this problem, you will re-implement the state machine using the parts provided in part (a).  Begin by completing the symbolic state table below.  You will need to use Thing_1 to realize your state.  First, choose an encoding for state S1 through S6 that will be compatible with using Thing_1, then complete the state table below (using symbolic states).  Start by entering the next state for each possible state transition.  Then, fill in the values for EN and DIR that you will need to make that state change occur in Thing_1 (make sure to use don’t cares).  RESET will be connected to the CLR input of Thing_1.


(c – 5 pts) Derive equations for EN and DIR from the table in part (c).  You do NOT need to use K-maps, in fact, it is NOT recommended you do so as they have high dimensionality.  Instead, exploit the don’t cares to come up with the simplest functions you can of L, R, and the current state of Thing_1 (Q3, Q2, Q1, and Q0).



EN =  (L xor R) (S0’) (S6’) = (L xor R) (Q4’ Q2 Q1)’ (Q4’ Q2 Q1)’


(we don’t need to use Q8 due to all the unused state codes that act as don’t care)

DIR = L  


 (again, taking advantage of the many don’t cares)






(d – 10 pts) Now, it is time to wrap up our tug-of-war game.  Show, how you would wire up the components provided below: Thing_1, Thing_2, and the bank of seven LEDs.  Use whatever simple gates you need to realize the functions for EN and DIR you derived in part (c).  Clearly label the L, R, RESET, and CLK inputs to your completed circuit.  You should only need wires to connect to the inputs and outputs of Thing_2 and the LEDs.



The logic for EN and DIR is given in the previous part.  Their equations use L, R, Q4, Q2, and Q1 as inputs.  RESET is simply connected to CLR of the counter.

4. Finite State Machine Description (30 points)

The state diagram below is the one we used in lecture to describe a 3-value-key combinational lock.


However, the program code we used did not correspond to this state diagram exactly.  A more accurate rendition is the state diagram shown below.  Note that it consists of two parallel finite state machines that communicate through two signals (set_err and err).  The machine with two states is a Moore machine.  Its single bit output is “err”.  The machine with 6 states is a hybrid Moore/asynchronous-Mealy.  Note the Moore outputs consisting of 3 bits to control the comparison “mux” and a single bit for opening the lock (“unlock”).  The Mealy output is “set_err”.

(a – 5 pts) Below are two symbolic state tables.  The one for the 6-state FSM needs to be completed.  The one for the 2-state FSM is already completed.  Complete the first state table – use symbolic states.


Symbolic state table for the 6-state FSM:




Symbolic state table for the 2-state FSM:

(b – 10 pts) Select a state encoding for the two state machines:


ERR = 1

NO_ERR = 0


S1 = 0 001

S2 = 0 010

S3 = 0 100

S4 = 0 000

OPEN = 1 000

NO_OPEN = 0 111


Explain in a few sentences why you chose the state encoding above.

For the 2-state FSM, it is easy to use a single bit to distinguish the two states and make its value the same as the single Moore output (err).

For the 6-state FSM, it is good to use the mux control outputs (mux) for three of the state bits.  They provide a on-hot code to distinguish S1, S2, and S3.  The unlock output can be used to distinguish the OPEN state and must be 0 for all the others.  Given these 4 state bits (unlock = state[3] and mux = state[2:0]), we still need to choose the assignment of the mux outputs for OPEN, NO_OPEN and S4.  We choose 000 for S4 and OPEN and 111 for NO_OPEN.  This assignment has a smaller number of 1s and is symmetric for all the state bits thus leading to similar equations.

(c – 5 pts) Complete the Verilog description for the 2-state FSM provided below:


module FSM_2 (clk, reset, set_err, err);



input  clk, reset, set_err;

output err;


reg    [ _0_ : _0_ ] state;


parameter ERR = ___1__ ;

parameter NO_ERR = ___0__ ;


always @(posedge clk) begin

        if (reset) state <= NO_ERR;

        else if (set_err) state <= ERR;

        else state <= NO_ERR;                 // this line not required





(NOTE: It is technically correct to replace that line:

if (set_err) state <= ERR;


state <= set_err;

However, although this change would make the description shorter, it would tie the Verilog code to the state assignment we chose. This is generally not a good policy.  Let’s leave it to the optimization tool to figure it out given our code and state assignments.)

(d – 5 pts) Complete the Verilog description for the 6-state FSM provided below:


module FSM_6 (clk, reset, equal, enter, err, set_err, mux, unlock);



input  clk, reset, equal, enter, err;

output set_err, unlock;

output [2:0] mux;


reg    [ _3_ : _0_ ] state;


parameter S1 = _0001_ ;

parameter S2 = _0010_ ;

parameter S3 = _0100_ ;

parameter S4 = _0000_ ;

parameter OPEN = _1000_ ;

parameter NO_OPEN = _0111_ ;


assign unlock = state[3];

assign mux[2:0] = state[2:0];


always @(posedge clk) begin

        case (state)

               S1: if (enter) state <= S2;      else state <= S1;

               S2: if (enter) state <= S3;      else state <= S2;

               S3: if (enter) state <= S4;      else state <= S3;

               S4: if (err)   state <= NO_OPEN; else state <= OPEN;

               OPEN:    state <= OPEN;               // not required

               NO_OPEN: state <= NO_OPEN;            // not required

               default: $display(“invalid state reached”);




always @(state or equal or enter) begin

        set_err = 0;

        if ( ((state == S1) || (state == S2) || (state == S3))

             && enter && !equal)  set_err = 1;





(e – 5 pts) Why was the set_err output of the 6-state FSM made to be an asynchronous Mealy output?  Would our combinational lock still function properly if this FSM were realized as a synchronous Mealy machine?


set_err has to be an asynchronous Mealy output because we need the 2-state FSM to react quickly and go to the ERR state and assert its output, err.  If set_err had to wait until a clock edge to be set, then the FSM could enter S4 at the same time the other machine enters ERR and not see the err output being set to 1.  This would lead to the lock opening even though the last input value entered was wrong.

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