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CSE 373: Data Structures and Algorithms
The University of Washington, Seattle, Autumn 2008
Regular Meetings: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 12:30-1:20 in MUE room 153.
Instructor: Steve Tanimoto (Office Hours: Mondays and Fridays 2:30-3:20, in room 638 of the Allen Center ).
Teaching Assistants: Bhushan Mandhani: Wednesdays 11:00-12:00 and 2:00-3:00 in room 220 of the Allen Center.
Shih-Yen Liu: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30-11:20 in room 220 of the Allen Center.
Dingding Liu: Tuesdays 1:30-2:30 and Fridays 11:00-12:00 in CSE 218.
For email addresses click here.
Getting registered: As of Sept. 29, the course is completely full, and we are unable to accept any more new enrollments.
Visual Stack Applet code: The code for the visual stack applet is available here. The applet itself can be viewed on this web page
Background questionnaire/quiz: Please take the background questionnaire by Friday (Sept. 26), before class.
Class Mailing List: Please join the mailing list immediately. We will be using it through the quarter for making course-related announcements.
Java programming IDE: This quarter we'll be using a powerful, free development tool: Eclipse 3.4 integrated development environment (IDE). Students are not expected to have have prior experience with Eclipse, and so we plan to offer an introduction to Eclipse in class. Eclipse has excellent support for writing Java programs, including a code editor with syntax highlighting, automatic code assist, and help tracking down or preventing many common programming errors.