This page is a collection of old exams and study questions that may be useful in preparing for this quarter's exams. Some of the old exams contain questions on topics that we didn't cover this quarter and you should skip over them. We've posted questions and sample solutions separately when we have them; if we don't have both of those we've posted what we've got.

1st Midterm

This midterm covers everything from lectures and homeworks 1-3. The test is closed book.

2nd Midterm

This midterm covers everything from lecture after the first midterm, labs and the MIPS assembly language. The test is closed book. You will be provided with a copy of the green sheet for use during the examination.

Previous relevant midterms:


The final will be comprehensive, but biased more towards things covered since the midterm, particularly the memory heirarchy, I/O, performance, and basic concepts of parallelism.