CSE 378 : Machine Organization and Assembly Language Programming
Exercise ( not for turnin ) : Getting started

          You need not turnin anything for this assignment.     
        All the documents mentioned here are available on the course Web page in the help section.

        1. Read  the document  titled "Using UNIX  ... a brief introduction". Then logon to orcas/sanjuan. Create a directory called cse378. List the files in your home directory and see how many files there are.

        2. Read the document titled "Using Emacs ... a brief introduction". Go to the directory ( cse378 )  created. In this directory, create a file called test0.c ( or any name you might wish ) and type into it the C-program given in the document titled "Exercise : Familiarization with SPIM" ( page 2 ). Use Emacs for writing the file. Quit Emacs and see the file listing in the current directory. Read the file you just created using the command more.

        3. Go to your home directory on orcas/sanjuan. Type ls -al. You shall see a result similar to that when you type ls -l, but with  more files being listed. All these "extra" files are actually hidden files, and have names starting with "." Make sure that one of them is named .cshrc

        4. Read the document titled "Getting Started with SPIM and XSPIM", and follow the steps mentioned therein.

        5. Finally, go through the document titled "Exercise : Familiarization with SPIM", and follow all  the steps carefully. This part is very important, and you ought to do this thoroughly.