# display_all(answer);; name E/I S/N T/F J/P Type Will F 10 90 75 60 ENFP Yudong Li 30 5 25 45 ESTJ mike wazowski 20 50 40 70 EXTP Ben 90 55 60 40 INFJ Stuart 78 95 68 84 INFP yuki 80 60 55 55 INFP Anon 22 100 60 40 25 INTJ Bep 90 55 40 45 INTJ Alexander Grothendieck 70 80 30 75 INTP Funky Kong 60 75 35 55 INTP Puff the Neko 70 20 60 40 ISFJ pookie 60 45 55 35 ISFJ rohitmaheshwari 60 40 65 35 ISFJ abc123 100 40 80 55 ISFP John Lee 80 45 30 30 ISTJ Lawrence 78 25 50 45 ISXJ batman_data.txt 70 50 30 40 IXTJ Ted 50 65 55 20 XNFJ Dylan Rosenlind 50 80 50 40 XNXJ ZZZ 50 35 50 60 XSXP - : unit = () # big_print(big_answer);; pookie, average distance = 41, individual distances: (rohitmaheshwari, 11)(Ted, 27)(Puff the Neko, 28)(batman_data.txt, 28)(ZZZ, 29)(Lawrence, 29)(Ben, 32)(yuki, 32)(John Lee, 32)(Bep, 36)(Dylan Rosenlind, 37)(Funky Kong, 41)(Anon 22, 46)(abc123, 51)(mike wazowski, 55)(Yudong Li, 59)(Alexander Grothendieck, 60)(Stuart, 73)(Will F, 74) yuki, average distance = 42, individual distances: (Ben, 19)(Bep, 21)(Funky Kong, 32)(batman_data.txt, 32)(pookie, 32)(rohitmaheshwari, 36)(Lawrence, 37)(abc123, 38)(John Lee, 38)(Dylan Rosenlind, 39)(Alexander Grothendieck, 39)(Anon 22, 39)(ZZZ, 40)(Puff the Neko, 44)(Ted, 46)(Stuart, 47)(mike wazowski, 64)(Will F, 79)(Yudong Li, 81) batman_data.txt, average distance = 43, individual distances: (John Lee, 15)(Bep, 23)(pookie, 28)(Funky Kong, 31)(yuki, 32)(Lawrence, 33)(Ben, 36)(Anon 22, 36)(rohitmaheshwari, 38)(ZZZ, 38)(Dylan Rosenlind, 41)(Ted, 41)(Puff the Neko, 42)(Alexander Grothendieck, 46)(mike wazowski, 59)(Yudong Li, 61)(abc123, 61)(Stuart, 74)(Will F, 87) rohitmaheshwari, average distance = 44, individual distances: (pookie, 11)(Puff the Neko, 23)(Lawrence, 30)(ZZZ, 31)(Ted, 32)(Ben, 34)(yuki, 36)(batman_data.txt, 38)(John Lee, 41)(Bep, 43)(Dylan Rosenlind, 44)(abc123, 47)(Funky Kong, 50)(Anon 22, 52)(mike wazowski, 60)(Yudong Li, 62)(Alexander Grothendieck, 67)(Stuart, 76)(Will F, 76) Ben, average distance = 45, individual distances: (yuki, 19)(Bep, 21)(Anon 22, 27)(abc123, 31)(pookie, 32)(rohitmaheshwari, 34)(Lawrence, 34)(John Lee, 35)(batman_data.txt, 36)(Puff the Neko, 40)(Funky Kong, 46)(Ted, 46)(Dylan Rosenlind, 48)(ZZZ, 50)(Alexander Grothendieck, 56)(Stuart, 61)(mike wazowski, 79)(Yudong Li, 86)(Will F, 91) Bep, average distance = 45, individual distances: (Ben, 21)(yuki, 21)(John Lee, 23)(batman_data.txt, 23)(Anon 22, 23)(Lawrence, 34)(pookie, 36)(Funky Kong, 38)(rohitmaheshwari, 43)(abc123, 45)(Alexander Grothendieck, 45)(Puff the Neko, 45)(Dylan Rosenlind, 48)(ZZZ, 48)(Ted, 50)(Stuart, 64)(mike wazowski, 74)(Yudong Li, 80)(Will F, 95) Funky Kong, average distance = 47, individual distances: (Alexander Grothendieck, 23)(Dylan Rosenlind, 24)(batman_data.txt, 31)(yuki, 32)(Bep, 38)(pookie, 41)(Ted, 43)(ZZZ, 44)(John Lee, 44)(Ben, 46)(rohitmaheshwari, 50)(mike wazowski, 50)(Stuart, 52)(Anon 22, 52)(Lawrence, 56)(Puff the Neko, 63)(Will F, 66)(abc123, 70)(Yudong Li, 77) ZZZ, average distance = 47, individual distances: (pookie, 29)(rohitmaheshwari, 31)(Lawrence, 33)(Puff the Neko, 34)(mike wazowski, 36)(batman_data.txt, 38)(yuki, 40)(Funky Kong, 44)(Yudong Li, 46)(Bep, 48)(John Lee, 48)(Dylan Rosenlind, 49)(Ben, 50)(Ted, 50)(Alexander Grothendieck, 55)(abc123, 59)(Anon 22, 67)(Will F, 72)(Stuart, 73) Lawrence, average distance = 47, individual distances: (Puff the Neko, 15)(pookie, 29)(rohitmaheshwari, 30)(John Lee, 32)(ZZZ, 33)(batman_data.txt, 33)(Bep, 34)(Ben, 34)(yuki, 37)(abc123, 41)(Anon 22, 47)(Ted, 55)(Funky Kong, 56)(Yudong Li, 58)(Dylan Rosenlind, 62)(Alexander Grothendieck, 66)(mike wazowski, 69)(Stuart, 82)(Will F, 98) John Lee, average distance = 48, individual distances: (batman_data.txt, 15)(Bep, 23)(Anon 22, 27)(Lawrence, 32)(pookie, 32)(Ben, 35)(yuki, 38)(rohitmaheshwari, 41)(Puff the Neko, 42)(Funky Kong, 44)(Ted, 45)(ZZZ, 48)(Dylan Rosenlind, 51)(Alexander Grothendieck, 58)(abc123, 60)(Yudong Li, 66)(mike wazowski, 73)(Stuart, 83)(Will F, 99) Dylan Rosenlind, average distance = 50, individual distances: (Funky Kong, 24)(Ted, 25)(pookie, 37)(yuki, 39)(batman_data.txt, 41)(rohitmaheshwari, 44)(Alexander Grothendieck, 45)(Bep, 48)(Ben, 48)(ZZZ, 49)(John Lee, 51)(Will F, 52)(mike wazowski, 53)(Stuart, 57)(Anon 22, 57)(Lawrence, 62)(Puff the Neko, 64)(abc123, 72)(Yudong Li, 82) Ted, average distance = 51, individual distances: (Dylan Rosenlind, 25)(pookie, 27)(rohitmaheshwari, 32)(batman_data.txt, 41)(Funky Kong, 43)(John Lee, 45)(Ben, 46)(yuki, 46)(ZZZ, 50)(Bep, 50)(Puff the Neko, 53)(Anon 22, 53)(Lawrence, 55)(mike wazowski, 62)(Alexander Grothendieck, 65)(Will F, 65)(abc123, 71)(Yudong Li, 74)(Stuart, 77) Puff the Neko, average distance = 51, individual distances: (Lawrence, 15)(rohitmaheshwari, 23)(pookie, 28)(ZZZ, 34)(Ben, 40)(John Lee, 42)(batman_data.txt, 42)(abc123, 44)(yuki, 44)(Bep, 45)(Ted, 53)(Yudong Li, 55)(Anon 22, 56)(Funky Kong, 63)(Dylan Rosenlind, 64)(mike wazowski, 69)(Alexander Grothendieck, 76)(Stuart, 88)(Will F, 96) Anon 22, average distance = 56, individual distances: (Bep, 23)(Ben, 27)(John Lee, 27)(batman_data.txt, 36)(yuki, 39)(pookie, 46)(Lawrence, 47)(rohitmaheshwari, 52)(Funky Kong, 52)(Ted, 53)(abc123, 54)(Puff the Neko, 56)(Dylan Rosenlind, 57)(Alexander Grothendieck, 62)(ZZZ, 67)(Stuart, 77)(mike wazowski, 92)(Yudong Li, 92)(Will F, 107) Alexander Grothendieck, average distance = 58, individual distances: (Funky Kong, 23)(yuki, 39)(Stuart, 43)(Dylan Rosenlind, 45)(Bep, 45)(batman_data.txt, 46)(ZZZ, 55)(Ben, 56)(John Lee, 58)(mike wazowski, 59)(pookie, 60)(Anon 22, 62)(Ted, 65)(Lawrence, 66)(rohitmaheshwari, 67)(abc123, 73)(Puff the Neko, 76)(Will F, 77)(Yudong Li, 90) abc123, average distance = 61, individual distances: (Ben, 31)(yuki, 38)(Lawrence, 41)(Puff the Neko, 44)(Bep, 45)(rohitmaheshwari, 47)(pookie, 51)(Anon 22, 54)(ZZZ, 59)(John Lee, 60)(batman_data.txt, 61)(Stuart, 67)(Funky Kong, 70)(Ted, 71)(Dylan Rosenlind, 72)(Alexander Grothendieck, 73)(mike wazowski, 91)(Yudong Li, 96)(Will F, 103) mike wazowski, average distance = 65, individual distances: (ZZZ, 36)(Funky Kong, 50)(Dylan Rosenlind, 53)(Yudong Li, 55)(Will F, 55)(pookie, 55)(Alexander Grothendieck, 59)(batman_data.txt, 59)(rohitmaheshwari, 60)(Ted, 62)(yuki, 64)(Puff the Neko, 69)(Lawrence, 69)(John Lee, 73)(Bep, 74)(Ben, 79)(Stuart, 80)(abc123, 91)(Anon 22, 92) Stuart, average distance = 71, individual distances: (Alexander Grothendieck, 43)(yuki, 47)(Funky Kong, 52)(Dylan Rosenlind, 57)(Ben, 61)(Bep, 64)(abc123, 67)(ZZZ, 73)(pookie, 73)(Will F, 73)(batman_data.txt, 74)(rohitmaheshwari, 76)(Anon 22, 77)(Ted, 77)(mike wazowski, 80)(Lawrence, 82)(John Lee, 83)(Puff the Neko, 88)(Yudong Li, 117) Yudong Li, average distance = 75, individual distances: (ZZZ, 46)(mike wazowski, 55)(Puff the Neko, 55)(Lawrence, 58)(pookie, 59)(batman_data.txt, 61)(rohitmaheshwari, 62)(John Lee, 66)(Ted, 74)(Funky Kong, 77)(Bep, 80)(yuki, 81)(Dylan Rosenlind, 82)(Ben, 86)(Alexander Grothendieck, 90)(Anon 22, 92)(abc123, 96)(Will F, 102)(Stuart, 117) Will F, average distance = 82, individual distances: (Dylan Rosenlind, 52)(mike wazowski, 55)(Ted, 65)(Funky Kong, 66)(ZZZ, 72)(Stuart, 73)(pookie, 74)(rohitmaheshwari, 76)(Alexander Grothendieck, 77)(yuki, 79)(batman_data.txt, 87)(Ben, 91)(Bep, 95)(Puff the Neko, 96)(Lawrence, 98)(John Lee, 99)(Yudong Li, 102)(abc123, 103)(Anon 22, 107) val strange_list : (string * int) list = [("Will F", 82); ("Yudong Li", 75); ("Stuart", 71); ("mike wazowski", 65); ("abc123", 61); ("Alexander Grothendieck", 58); ("Anon 22", 56); ("Puff the Neko", 51); ("Ted", 51); ("Dylan Rosenlind", 50); ("John Lee", 48); ("Funky Kong", 47); ("Lawrence", 47); ("ZZZ", 47); ("Ben", 45); ("Bep", 45); ("rohitmaheshwari", 44); ("batman_data.txt", 43); ("yuki", 42); ("pookie", 41)]