BUILD YOUR OWN BOOKSTORE Build a virtual bookstore (a la These are the steps: 1. Model entities such as books, their authors, topics, publisher house, etc... Create a schema and an E/R diagram representing your database. Create useful and meaningful relationships between the emtotu sets. Also describe any constraints you want to have on your schema (referential integrity constraints, functional dependencies, etc...) 2. Transform your E/R diagram into SQL syntax and create a "real" database in SQL Server using your model. 3. Populate your database. You can either use "synthetic" data or download a list of "real" books and populate your database. You should have at least 25 books in the database. If you choose to use synthetic data, please use meaningful names and entries. 4. Create another table(s) storing customers along with their VISA and M/C card numbers and other relevant information. Create meaningful relationships between customers and books, authors, etc... 5. Create a WEB portal to your database. Books should be able to be found using names, authors, ISBNs and keywords. Once a search has completed, a web page should be created summarizing the results of the search. Also for each book in the summary, there is a link that the user can click on to expand the information about the respective book. 6. Add e-commerce functionality to your website. Let a user be able to buy his/her desired book from your database. Each buyer needs to be able to order his book, and fill in his credit card information. (Do not worry about security issues). Store the credit card information in your database, so that a user does not have to enter this information more than once. However, allow the user to modify his credit card information. For each book title keep track of how many copies there are currently in stock. When a customer buys a book, decrement that number. 7. Export your database in XML. Design an XML DTD that contains elements and/or attributes corresponding to the entities in your database, such as books, their authors, etc, and write a program that exports the entire database into an XML format with that DTD. BONUS: If a user is searching for a book you don't have in stock, your database application should go to, search for the respective book and add it to your database. The price of the book should be $5 over that at For example, in order to search for Kundera's "Unbearable lightness of being" you would submit the following URL: NOTE: Do not make your schema too complex: the entire project should contain at most 3-4 entity sets plus relationships.