“Passing Period”

Peter Davis
CSE 455 — Computer Vision
Project 1 Artifact
(Scroll to final result)

Original Images

For this project, I wanted to use intelligent scissors to remove objects, not add them, to an image. My first idea was to magically remove all the dirty dishes from my sink.

However getting an image of a clean sink to replace the dirty one would have required, um, cleaning, so that was out of the question.

Instead, I used my camera's "panerama" mode to take several dozen pictures of people walking in front of Mary Gates Hall, without moving the camera, each photo with the same exposure settings. I wanted to remove the people from the sidewalk, so I used my intelligent scissors program to create a mask. (Actually, I chopped up the image into smaller chunks and reassembled them into one big mask, since iScissors choked on my multi-megapixel original.)

Chances were, I could find blank areas in the other images to cover every person. Using multiple images makes a much cleaner result than Photoshop's "clone" tool could.

Final Image

Finally, I made a copy of the original image and applied the mask to get an image of only the people. I blurred this (Gaussian, 10 pixel radius), and reduced the opacity to about 80%. Then I layered it on top of the blank background.

Click the image for more detail; notice the sharp backgrounds seen through the ghosts.