Johnathan Davis

Computer Vision (CSE 455), Winter 2012

Project 4: Eigenfaces

Project Abstract


In this project, we developed a representation of faces (eigenfaces) that can come very close to the actual image using much less information. Our program allows a face to be represented by a set of K coefficients which are scalars of the eigenvectors that span the face space.


Some of the math behind this project was new and very minimally explained at first. It took a fair amount of time to understand some of the concepts like PCA.


The project is structured as follows:

Experiment: Recognition


  1. Average:
  2. Computed user base.
  3. No time to do this.


Direct response to Question 1.

Direct response to Question 2.

Experiment: Find Faces


We did X and Y to accomplish the required experiments.

We also did P and Q to further explore the trans-hyperdimensional resonance problem which we encountered while exploring the handedness of the flitzgibbit.


Direct response to Question 1.

Direct response to Question 2.


The result obtained occured because of the alignment of the star crystals in the Charleston St. Orrery. We expected that the snow would be orange because of the velociraptor principle, however we did not expect that it would speak German. This can be explained by the use of imported Ketchup rather than home-brew, because the imported variety has higher trace levels of palladium.

Sample Results

main --findface class_images\group\group2.tga eigenface .3 .4 .01 mark 3 group2output.tga

The above result is interesting because it demonstrates the ramjet scrambling property of the hunter-seeker probe. This was problematic because tipsy turtles, which we solved by varying the Stradvarius parameters.

main --findface class_images\group\class1.tga eigenface .4 .9 .01 mark 32 class1output.tga

The above results demonstrate what happens when we use too low a take-off velocity. At left, we have a range of zero to five repeating, while at left, we use a Lagrangian series over the subspace of grumpy seagulls. It's possible to address this issue by hopping on your left foot while rotating counterclockwise.

Experiment: Verify Faces


We did X and Y to accomplish the required experiments.

We also did P and Q to further explore the trans-hyperdimensional resonance problem which we encountered while exploring the handedness of the flitzgibbit.


Direct response to Question 1.

Direct response to Question 2.


The result obtained occured because of the alignment of the star crystals in the Charleston St. Orrery. We expected that the snow would be orange because of the velociraptor principle, however we did not expect that it would speak German. This can be explained by the use of imported Ketchup rather than home-brew, because the imported variety has higher trace levels of palladium.

Sample Results

main --findface class_images\group\group2.tga eigenface .3 .4 .01 mark 3 group2output.tga

The above result is interesting because it demonstrates the ramjet scrambling property of the hunter-seeker probe. This was problematic because tipsy turtles, which we solved by varying the Stradvarius parameters.

main --findface class_images\group\class1.tga eigenface .4 .9 .01 mark 32 class1output.tga

The above results demonstrate what happens when we use too low a take-off velocity. At left, we have a range of zero to five repeating, while at left, we use a Lagrangian series over the subspace of grumpy seagulls. It's possible to address this issue by hopping on your left foot while rotating counterclockwise.