Welcome to the CSE 457 Home Page, which contains plenty of information on the class and more! It is to your utmost advantage to read all class-pertinent information thoroughly, particularly help session information, project handouts, and the course calendar. Please remember that this home page is ever-changing, and new information will be added frequently.

About the class

Personnel and office hours (Instructors and TAs)
Course syllabus
Course calendar
Getting in to CSE 457

Communication Send email to instructors and TAs
Anonymous feedback to instructor
">Discussion board
Announcement archive
Handouts, Assignments & Exams Lecture notes
Project turnin procedure
"> Gradebook
Project Grouper Demos Artifacts
Impressionist Groups Winners
Modeler Groups Winners
Trace Groups Winners
Animator Groups Winners
Homework Clarifications
HW #1
HW #2
Course-related information Textbook Errata
Instructional lab
Toolkit resources (FLTK, OpenGL)
C++ resources
AVI Creation in Adobe Premier