We are now ready to connect everything together.
  1. STEP 1: Connect the legs to the spine

    Select the cen_root_bind_joint, then the left_leg_skeleton_grp.
    Make a parent constraint.
    Do the same for the right leg.
    Take both leg_stretch_dist_starts, and parent them under their repsective leg skeleton group.
  2. STEP 2: Connect the arms to the spine

    Create two empty groups.
    Rename them to "left_arm_ik_pos" and "left_arm_fk_pos".
    Parent ik_pos under the left_clavivle_fk_joint.
    Select the ik pos then the ik upper_arm joint and create a parent constraint.
    Parent the left_arm_pos under the closest spine bind joint.
    Select the left_clavicle_Anim.
    Group it to itself and rename the group, "left_clavicle_anim_grp".
    Select the left_arm_fk_pos then the left_clavicle_anim_grp, create a parent constraint.

  3. STEP 3: Connect the neck to the spine

    Group the neck_anim to itself.
    Rename the group neck_anim_grp.
    Select the last spine bind joint, select the neck_anim_grp.
    Create a Parent constraint.
  4. STEP 3: Connect the neck to the spine

    Group the neck_anim to itself.
    Rename the group neck_anim_grp.
    Select the last spine bind joint, select the neck_anim_grp.
    Create a Parent constraint.