1. STEP 1: create a Top Con

    From the rigging controls import an circleArrow.mb.
    Scale and place this at the mime's feet.
    Rename the control, "Mime_top_con".
    Freeze transformations.
    leg joint placement
  2. STEP 2: Finishing Heirarchy Groups

    We need to start organizing now before we get too far, deselect all and press ctrl+g.
    Rename the group "skeleton_grp".
    Parent all the joint chains under this group.
    Create a few more groups, "do_not_touch_grp", "anim_grp", "mesh_grp".
    Parent the mime_hi group under mesh_grp.
    Parent "do_not_touch_grp", "anim_grp", "mesh_grp","skeleton_grp" under top_con.
    Hide the do_not_touch_grp.
    leg joint placement