1. STEP 1: download the mime

  2. STEP 2: download the shelf files

    They were all created by Jason Scheifer, an allstar in rigging, I know it seems odd to have an allstar in rigging.
    Download the SCRIPTS, SHELF, and ICONS.
    You may need right click and save link as for the shelf.

  3. STEP 3: Setup Rigging Shelf

    Go to your documents from the start menu.
    go to maya -> 2009.
    in the scripts folder, dump all the scripts in the scripts.zip you downloaded
    in the prefs -> shelves, dump all the shelf_rigging.mel
    in the prefs -> icons, dump all the images.
    Restart maya to get the rigging shelf.
  4. STEP 4: Download rigging controls

    We will also need to download some rigging shapes. We will use these for some of the anims. Download them here.