Robot Command Reference

sac (SwarmAppsClear) -- clear all applications in flash
ds (Download SwarmOS) -- prepare to download a new SwarmOS
da (Download swarmApp) -- prepare to download a new Swarm Application
dw (Download Wireless) -- push installed SwarmApp to all other robots over the radio
dwir (Download Wireless InfraRed) -- push installed SwarmApp to all other robots in range over the IR
fc (Force Charge) -- force the robot to charge now (must be in charger)
reset -- reset the robot (same as pressing reset button)
beh <number> (Behavior) -- set the robot to a given behavior mode
s <command> [argument] -- send a command to all other robots in the swarm. Ex: s beh 2
sir <command> [argument] -- send a command to other robots within IR range
sm <command> [argument] -- send a command to all robots in the swarm, including self. Ex: sm beh 2
smir <command> [argument] -- send a command self as well as other robots within IR range
r <robot number> <command> [argument] -- send a command to specified robot
window -- list of available windows available (changes by application)
close -- close all open windows
window <windowName> -- open specified window