CSE 590H - Autumn 2004 Schedule

CSE 590H Autumn Quarter home page

Here is the schedule for CSE 590H for autumn quarter.

When easily available, we've linked to publicly accessible versions of the papers; otherwise the link will be to the ACM Digital Library.  UW has a site license for this library.  From machines on the campus network or dialed in via the C&C modems, you can follow the links without further ado.  From off-campus, connect to the ACM Digital Library via the UW Libraries Proxy Server, then paste the URL for the paper into the web form.

Presenters: the faculty mentor for each presentation is listed - please discuss your presentation with the faculty member in advance.  Thanks!

October 5

October 12: Digital Home

October 19: Participatory Design - Case Studies

October 26: Participatory Design - Methodology

November 2: Sketching

November 9: Pen-based UI

November 16: Multimodal UIs

November 23: Information Management

November 30: Physical UIs

December 7: Input