Project Turnin Procedures

Secure FTP clients

All the servers run by the computer science and engineering department require you to access them using secure ftp. The University of Washington has a site license for SSH 3.0.0 (Windows) and Fetch (Secure) 4.01 (Macintosh). Get them from the UWICK starter set at If you are running Linux, recent versions of OpenSSH also support the sftp protocol.

Using FTP

To submit your project by FTP, use secure FTP access (see below) to connect to

Use your username and enter your password to log in. Please place your files in the appropriate CSEP576 ftp folder :


Here is an example.

> sftp
Connecting to
<username>'s password:
sftp> cd /projects/instr/05wi/csep576/<username>
sftp> put
Uploading to /projects/.instr/05wi/csep576/<username> /
sftp> bye

In the Windows client, you can navigate to the folder using the "Operation...Go to Folder" (ctrl+g) command. If you are using sftp under Linux, use the cd command.

Please turn in a zip file with two subdirectories: code and artifact. The code should contain the source and an executable so we can run your program. The artifact should contain whatever artifact-related files are requested in the assignment writeup.

Remember to use your Kerberos password (not Windows system passwords). Here is a clear description from support@cs. "... Note that KERBEROS (UNIX/Web) passwords will not be the same as Windows passwords, and there are two Windows domains, each with its own password database: CSEPCLAB (instructional systems) and CSERESEARCH (research systems)."