Sample Pano


Red Square Pano


Handheld Pano


* I did not crop the top and bottom of the image which I should have to make the final image a nice rectagle. The height for the final image should not be that of the original images, but rather somethingl like 2*height - accumulator's height.
* I did not test the LivePictures (.ivr) because I could not find the plugins and did not have time to look further.

The sample image came out nicely. I tried reversing the sequence and the resulting image is the same.

However, the panorama I took, both using the Kaidan head and the handheld sequence didn't come out as I expected. The translation from Lucas-Kanade seems to be off. Due to time constraint, I do not have an opportunity to solve the problem.

* If my implemention of the code is correct, my guess would be that I need a different t for Lucas-Kanade.
* Movement in the images for the Kaidan head sequence (view of Red Square) may also be factor. The similarilty in color may also be a weakness for precise calculation.
* In the handheld sequence, the nodal point offset may be a factor. The difference in reflection from the windows between images may also be a factor.