CSEP590B/F Smartphone Mobile Computing – Winter 2011

Homework for week #4

By now, you should have a pretty good idea of which smartphone platform you will use for your project.  It is now time to start making sure you will be able to work easily in the programming environment corresponding to that platform.


First of all, you will need to download the programming environment you have chosen including an emulator for the smartphone.  Complete the basic tutorials that come with your platform (all the common platforms have a tutorial suite).  Go as far as you need to allow you to complete the following:


Create a new application that exercises one of the sensors in your device (e.g., GPS, compass, accelerometer, WiFi).  Specifically, the application should start and print “Hello, World!” on the screen with a button beneath it that says “Update sensor reading for X” where X is replaced with the name of your sensor.  When the button is pressed, it should read the sensor you chose use and print the value from that sensor in an appropriate form (e.g., read the GPS and print a latitude and longitude, print the WiFi signal strength reading in dB, etc.).  Pressing the button again should print an update to the sensor value over the previous value.


NOTE: the above is just a sketch to make sure you exercise some aspects of your platform, namely, loading a new app, handling user input, and reading a sensor’s value.  The details are less important than the overall goal of getting your feet wet with the platform and making sure you are on a path to be handle working on your project.  Details and best practices of the platforms may vary and cause you to implement things differently than I described above.  That is just fine.  Simply document what you did in your comments.


Turn in the code you wrote for your application (appropriately commented to highlight the key parts) and 3 screen shots (photos are OK) that show the following:


1.      Your application icon on the screen.

2.      The initial screen showing “Hello, World!” and an initial sensor reading.

3.      A second screen shot showing an updated sensor reading.


Turn in a single .zip file containing all of the above named HW4-yourlastname.zip



Grading criteria


10 Full Score

-1 to -2 for missing comments, non-descriptive naming (all depending on severity)

-5 no source code provided