Introduction to Statistical and Computational Genomics

Department of Genome Sciences
University of Washington School of Medicine

Problem Set 8

Due: 3/16

Notes: Again, please track your hours, and report them via the WebQ form linked from the course page.

Electronic Turnin: Please turn in, any necessary Python module files you might have chosen to create, output from your test run, and the short "written" portion of the assignment via the Catalyst DropBox. Clearly label solutions to any of the challenge problems.


  1. Again, find all tRNAs in the GenBank record for the M. jannaschii genome (used in problem set 6), but use Biopython to do most of the work. (There's little, if any, from PS 6 that you'll be able to reuse, but hopefully seeing it done two ways will be interesting.) My solution is about two dozen lines long, half print statements (excluding comments). Yours may of course be longer, but if it becomes much more complex than that, you might want to review your approach. Your main challenge (I think) will be navigating through the Biopython libraries and its SeqRecord class to find the parts you need. My slides, the Biopython Tutorial & Cookbook (esp. sections 2.4 Parsing sequence file formats , 2.4.2 Simple GenBank parsing example, 3.2 Sequences act like strings , 4.1 The SeqRecord object, and 4.3 SeqFeature objects, with special emphasis on "nofuzzy") and direct experimentation using python (help(), type(), dir(), ...) should give you what you need.

    1. If needed, download and install Biopython.

    2. Read and "parse" the .gbk file using the appropriate SeqIO function. All of the following information including the full nucleotide sequence is directly available or easily calculated from data in the SeqRecord object; you shouldn't need to look at the .gbk file in any other way.

    3. Using the annotations and "feature table" built by SeqIO, print the (i) record description, (ii) ID, (iii) genome length and (iv) the genome-wide GC %.

    4. Then find and print (i) the genomic coordinates, (ii) length, (iii) strand and (iv) GC % for each tRNA.

    E.g., A portion of my output is:
        Description: Methanocaldococcus jannaschii DSM 2661, complete genome.
        ID: NC_000909.1 , Length: 1664970 , GC: 31%
        37 Annotated tRNAs:
         #   Start..    End Len Strand GC%
         1   97428..  97537 109     -1 62%
         2   97628..  97713  85      1 67%
         3  111767.. 111852  85      1 73%
        37 1313164..1313249  85      1 73%

    Notes: Be careful about coordinates. E.g., GenBank records use 1-based indexing of nucleotides (i.e., start numbering the nucleotides from 1), whereas Python uses zero-based indexing. Are the coordinates in the Biopython feature table 0-based or 1-based? Is the "end" coordinate the last nucleotide of the feature or the one after the last?

  2. In the pedigree at right,

    1. Does the phenotype being tracked appear to be sex-linked or autosomal? Explain.
    2. Dominant or recessive? Explain.
    3. How many non-recombinant and recombinant offspring are there? Explain.
    4. What value of the recombination rate θ would you estimate from this data?
    5. What is the LOD score for linkage between the phenotype and the typed locus? Is it significant?

Challenge Problem Ideas:

  1. Instead of using your web browser to fetch the M. jannaschii genome from GenBank, get it via the Biopython interface to NCBI's "EFetch" utility. To save yourself a lot of time, and to avoid burdening NCBI's servers with repeated fetches as you debug, have your code "cache" a copy on your hard drive, re-fetching it only if that copy is not found; for examples of how to do this, see Biopython tutorial sections 8 Accessing NCBI's Entrez databases and 8.6 EFetch: Downloading full records from Entrez. Be sure to note the code related to "os.path.isfile()" and be sure to read 8.1 Entrez Guidelines.

  2. Extend the example on the course web and in the lecture 20 slides to see how many of the Blast hits in M. jannaschii overlap the annotated tRNAs you found above. (The query sequence in is, somewhat arbitrarily, the 7th annotated sequence.) Note that some of the blast hits are not to the full genome record (ID's say things like "spike in"), so should not be counted. Is Blast a good way to find tRNAs?

  3. Redo the weight matrix examples from Problem Set 6 using Biopython's tools. In particular, see 14.3.3 Position Specific Score Matrices.