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Cecil Project Overview

1 Language Design Research

We are studying several aspects of object-oriented languages with the aim of developing more flexible features and experimenting with how well they address practical programming problems. We are studying these features in the context of a new purely object-oriented language named Cecil. The principal areas that we are investigating are:

To make programming more expressive, Cecil incorporates other important features, including closures, lazily-initialized instance variables, and a distinction between mutable and immutable variables. A rich library of standard data structures has been constructed.

As of Spring 1995, a first version of the Cecil language has been defined and documented [Chambers 93a], a second version has been defined (with documentation in progress), and roughly 60,000 lines of Cecil code has been written. We plan to make the language available for external use and experimentation soon. We also hope to explore using Cecil as a language for teaching programming language concepts.

Cecil Project Overview - 11 MAY 95
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