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4.7 F-Bounded Polymorphism

4.7.3 F-Bounded Polymorphism in Cecil

In Cecil, F-bounded polymorphism needs to be extended to support multi-methods and implicit type parameters. Straightforward translation of the parameterized comparable class into Cecil, introducing an explicit formal parameter for the implied self argument, might lead to the following declarations:

abstract object comparable[T];
	signature = (x@:comparable['T], y@:T):bool;
	method    !=(x@:comparable['T], y@:T):bool { not(x = y) }
	signature < (x@:comparable['T], y@:T):bool;
	method    <=(x@:comparable['T], y@:T):bool { x = y | x < y }
	method    >=(x@:comparable['T], y@:T):bool { x = y | x > y }
	method    > (x@:comparable['T], y@:T):bool { y < x }
Unfortunately, each of these definitions of operations on comparable objects is asymmetric: the first argument determines the instantiating type for comparable, which then constrains the type of the second argument. This is contrary to the Cecil philosophy of treating arguments symmetrically. Additionally, the body of the > method does not typecheck, since the signature <(T, comparable[T]) is not defined, only <(comparable[T], T).

The following revised implementation of comparable treats arguments uniformly:

abstract object comparable[T];
	signature = (x@:comparable['T], y@:comparable['T]):bool;
	method    !=(x@:comparable['T], y@:comparable['T]):bool { not(x = y) }
	signature < (x@:comparable['T], y@:comparable['T]):bool;
	method    <=(x@:comparable['T], y@:comparable['T]):bool { x = y | x < y }
	method    >=(x@:comparable['T], y@:comparable['T]):bool { x = y | x > y }
	method    > (x@:comparable['T], y@:comparable['T]):bool { y < x }
Unfortunately, it is not legal Cecil: it binds the same type variable twice in the same scope. If such as facility were legal, with the semantics that the system would find a single most-specific type to bind to T that enables both formal type patterns to match, then mixed-type comparisons would work correctly. The system would locate a single type to which both argument comparable types can be instantiated. For the case of comparing integers to reals, this common type is num.

In a similar fashion, if multiple bindings of the same type variable were allowed, min could be written using only implicit type parameters:

method min(x1:'T1 <= comparable['T], x2:'T2 <= comparable['T]):T1|T2 {
	if (x1 < x2, { x1 }, { x2 })}
This definition of min is more convenient than the earlier definition because it does not require the caller to provide an explicit type parameter.

Since these kinds of non-linear type patterns appear to resolve several problems with types such as comparable, we are investigating the feasibility of extending Cecil to support them.

The Cecil Language: Specification and Rationale, Version 2.1 - 25 MARCH 1997
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