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A.1 Grammar

a program is a sequence of declaration blocks and statements;
a file included through an include_decl can contain only declarations

program	::=	top_level_file
top_level_file	::=	{ top_decl_block | stmt | pragma }
included_file	::=	top_decl_block

a declaration block is an unbroken sequence of declarations where names are available throughout;
declaration blocks at the top level can be interspersed with pragmas

top_decl_block	::=	{ decl | pragma }
decl_block	::=	decl { decl }

a declaration is a variable, a field, or a method declaration

decl	::=	module_decl
	|	import_decl
	|	let_decl
	|	tp_decl
	|	type_ext_decl
	|	object_decl
	|	obj_ext_decl
	|	predicate_decl
	|	disjoint_decl
	|	cover_decl
	|	divide_decl
	|	signature_decl
	|	method_decl
	|	field_sig_decl
	|	field_decl
	|	precedence_decl
	|	include_decl
	|	prim_decl

privacy of a declaration defaults to public

privacy	::=	"public" | "protected" | "private"

modules package up independent subsystems

module_decl	::=	[privacy] "module" module_name [extension] "{"
		    {friendship | decl} "}" [";"]
extension	::=	"extends" module_names
friendship	::=	"friend" module_names ";"
module_names	::=	module_name {"," module_name}
module_name	::=	name

import declarations specify used modules

import_decl	::=	[privacy] "import" ["friend"] module_names ";"

variable declarations bind names to objects; if "var" is present then variable is assignable

let_decl	::=	[privacy] "let" ["var"] name [type_decl]
		    ":=" expr ";"

type, representation, and object declarations create new implementations and/or types

tp_decl 	::=	[privacy] "type" name [formal_params]
		    {type_relation} ";"	declares an object type
object_decl 	::=	[privacy] rep_role rep_kind name [formal_params]
		    {relation} [field_inits] ";"
rep_role	::=	"abstract"	only inherited from by named objects;
				allowed to be incomplete
	|	"template"	only inherited from or instantiated;
				uninitialized fields allowed
	|	"concrete"	completely usable;
				must be complete and initialized
	|	["dynamic"]	completely usable; accesses checked dynamically
rep_kind	::=	"representation"	declares an object implementation
	|	"object"	declares an object type and implementation
type_relation	::=	"subtypes" type_patterns
relation	::=	type_relation	type subtypes from type, or impl conforms to type
	|	"inherits" parents	impl inherits from impl
	|	"isa" parents	impl inherits from impl, type subtypes from type
parents	::=	named_object_p { "," named_object_p }
field_inits	::=	"{" field_init { "," field_init } "}"
field_init	::=	msg_name [location] ":=" expr
location	::=	"@" named_object

predicate object declaration

predicate_decl 	::=	[privacy] "predicate" name [formal_params]
		    {relation} [field_inits] ["when" expr] ";"

declarations of the relationships among predicate objects

disjoint_decl	::=	[privacy] "disjoint" named_objects ";"
cover_decl	::=	[privacy] "cover" named_object "by" named_objects ";"
divide_decl	::=	[privacy] "divide" named_object "into" named_objects ";"
named_objects	::=	named_object { "," named_object }

extensions adjust the declaration of an existing object and/or type

type_ext_decl	::=	[privacy] "extend" "type" named_type_p {type_relation} ";"
obj_ext_decl	::=	[privacy] "extend" extend_kind named_object_p
		    {relation} [field_inits] ";"
extend_kind	::=	"representation"	extend representation
	|	["object"]	extend both type and representation

signature declarations declare method signatures

signature_decl	::=	[privacy] "signature" method_name
		    "(" [arg_type_ps] ")" [type_decl] ";"
arg_type_ps	::=	arg_type_p { "," arg_type_p }
arg_type_p	::=	[[name] ":"] type_pattern
method_name	::=	msg_name [formal_params] | op_name
msg_name	::=	name

implementation declarations define new method implementations; method decls define signatures, too

method_decl	::=	[privacy] impl_kind method_name
		    "(" [formals] ")" [type_decl] {pragma}
		    "{" (body | prim_body) "}" [";"]
impl_kind	::=	["method"] "implementation"		declares a method implementation
	|	"method"	declares a method signature and implementation
formals	::=	formal { "," formal }
formal	::=	[name] specializer	formal names are optional, if never referenced
specializer	::=	location [type_decl_p]	specialized formal
	|	[type_decl_p]	unspecialized formal
	|	"@" ":" named_object_p	sugar for @named_obj_p :named_obj_p

field declarations declare accessor method signatures and/or implementations

field_sig_decl	::=	[field_privacy] ["var"] "field" "signature"
		    msg_name [formal_params] "(" arg_type_p ")" [type_decl]
field_decl	::=	[field_privacy] ["shared"] ["var"] "field" field_kind
		    msg_name [formal_params] "(" formal ")" [type_decl]
		    [":=" expr] ";"
field_kind	::=	empty	declare accessor method impl(s) and sig(s)
	| 	"implementation"	declare just accessor method implementation(s)
field_privacy	::=	privacy [ ("get" [ privacy "set" ] | "set") ]

precedence declarations control the precedence and associativity of binary operators

prec_decl	::= [privacy] "precedence" op_list
		    [associativity] {precedence} ";"
associativity	::= "left_associative" | "right_associative" | "non_associative"
precedence	::= "below" op_list | "above" op_list | "with" op_list
op_list	::= op_name { "," op_name }

include declarations control textual file inclusions (implementation specific)

include_decl	::=	"include" file_name ";"
file_name	::=	string

primitive body declarations include an arbitrary piece of code in the compiled file (implementation specific)

prim_decl	::=	prim_body ";"

primitive method bodies support access to code written in other languages (implementation specific)

prim_body	::=	"prim" { language_binding }
language_binding	::=	language ":" code
	|	language "{" tokens "}"
language	::=	name	currently recognize rtl and c_++
code	::=	string
tokens	::=	any of Cecil's tokens, with balanced use of "{" and "}"

body of a method or closure

body	::=	{stmt} result
	|	empty	return void
stmt	::=	decl_block
	|	assignment ";"
	|	expr ";"
result	::=	normal_return	return an expression
	|	non_local_rtn	return from the lexically-enclosing method
normal_return	::=	decl_block	return void
	|	assignment [";"]	return void
	|	expr [";"]	return result of expression
non_local_rtn	::=	"^" [";"]	do a non-local return, returning void
	|	"^" expr [";"]	do a non-local return, returning a result

assignment only allowed if name is assignable; returns void

assignment	::=	qualified_name ":=" expr
	|	assign_msg	assignment-like syntax for messages
assign_msg	::=	lvalue_msg ":=" expr	sugar for set_msg(exprs...,expr)
lvalue_msg	::=	message
	|	dot_msg
	|	unop_msg
	|	binop_msg


expr	::=	binop_expr

binary msgs have lowest precedence

binop_expr	::=	binop_msg | unop_expr
binop_msg	::=	binop_expr op_name binop_expr
			predecence and associativity as declared

unary msgs have second-lowest precedence

unop_expr	::=	unop_msg | dot_expr
unop_msg	::=	op_name unop_expr	& and ^ are not allowed as unary operators

dotted messages have second-highest precedence

dot_expr	::=	dot_msg | simple_expr
dot_msg	::=	dot_expr "." msg_name [params] ["(" [exprs] ")"]
		                           sugar for msg_name[params](dot_expr,exprs...)

simple messages have highest precedence

simple_expr	::=	literal
	|	ref_expr
	|	vector_expr
	|	closure_expr
	| 	object_expr
	|	message
	|	resend
	|	paren_expr

literal constants

literal	::=	integer
	|	float
	|	character
	|	string

reference a variable or a named object implementation

ref_expr	::=	qualified_name	reference a local or global variable
	|	named_object	reference a named object

build a vector

vector_expr	::=	"[" [exprs] "]"
exprs	::=	expr { "," expr }

build a closure

closure_expr	::=	[ "&" "(" [closure_formals] ")" [type_decl] ] "{" body "}"
closure_formals	::=	closure_formal { "," closure_formal }
closure_formal	::=	[name] [type_decl_p]	formal names are optional, if never referenced

build a new object

object_expr 	::=	rep_role rep_kind {relation} [field_inits]

send a message

message	::=	msg_name [params] "(" [exprs] ")"

resend the message

resend	::=	"resend" [ "(" resend_args ")" ]
resend_args	::=	resend_arg { "," resend_arg }
resend_arg	::=	expr	corresponding formal of sender must be
	|	name	undirected resend (name is a specialized formal)
	|	name location	directed resend (name is a specialized formal)

introduce a new nested scope
paren_expr ::= "(" body ")"

name something perhaps in another module

qualified_name	::=	[module_name "$"] name

name an object

named_object	::=	qualified_name [params]
named_object_p	::=	qualified_name [param_patterns]

syntax of types

type	::=	named_type
	|	closure_type
	|	lub_type
	|	glb_type
	|	paren_type
named_type	::=	qualified_name [params]
closure_type	::=	"&" "(" [arg_types] ")" [type_decl]
arg_types	::=	arg_type { "," arg_type }
arg_type	::=	[[name] ":"] type
lub_type	::=	type "|" type
glb_type	::=	type "&" type
paren_type	::=	"(" type ")"

types	::=	type { "," type }

formal types are types that can contain binding occurrences of implicit type parameters

type_pattern	::=	binding_type
	|	named_type_p
	|	closure_type_p
	|	lub_type
	|	glb_type
	|	paren_type
binding_type	::=	"'" name ["<=" type_pattern]
named_type_p	::=	qualified_name [param_patterns]
closure_type_p	::=	"&" "(" [arg_type_ps] ")" [type_decl_p]

type_patterns	::=	type_pattern { "," type_pattern }

type_decl	::=	":" type
type_decl_p	::=	":" type_pattern

formal parameters for objects and methods

formal_params	::=	"[" formal_param { "," formal_param } "]"
formal_param	::=	["'"] name [ "<=" type_pattern ]

actual parameters for objects and methods

params	::=	"[" types "]"

actual parameters for types that may contain binding occurrences of implicit type variables

param_patterns	::=	"[" type_patterns "]"

pragmas can be added at various points in a program to provide implementation-specific hints/commands

pragma	::=	"(**" exprs "**)"

The Cecil Language: Specification and Rationale, Version 2.1 - 25 MARCH 1997
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