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2.4 Predicate Objects

2.4.2 Predicate Objects and Fields

Fields may be associated with a predicate object. This has the effect of reserving persistent space for the field in any object that might be classified as a descendant of the predicate object. The value stored in the field persists even when the field is inaccessible. At object-creation time, an initial value may be provided for fields potentially inherited from predicate objects, even if those fields may not be visible in the newly-created object. The semantics of accessing a field attached to a predicate object is governed by the semantics of accessing its corresponding accessor methods.

The following example exploits this semantics to implement a graphical window object that can be either expanded or iconified. Each of the two important states of the window remembers its own screen location (using a field named position in both cases), plus some other mode-specific information such as the text in the window and the bitmap of the icon, and this data persists across openings and closings of the window:

object window isa interactive_graphical_object;
	var field iconified(@window) := false;
	method display(w@window) {
		-- draw window using w.position
		... }
	method erase(w@window) {
		-- clear space where window is
		... }
	method move(w@window, new_position) {
		-- works for both expanded and iconified windows!
		w.erase; 	w.position := new_position; 	w.display; }

predicate expanded_window isa window when not(window.iconified);
	var field position(@expanded_window) := upper_left;
	field text(@expanded_window);
	method iconify(w@expanded_window) {
		w.erase; w.iconified := true; w.display; }

predicate iconified_window isa window when window.iconified;
	var field position(@iconfied_window) := lower_right;
	field icon(@iconified_window);
	method open(w@iconified_window) {
		w.erase; w.iconified := false; w.display; }

method create_window(open_position, iconified_position,
                     text, icon) {
	object isa window {
		iconified := false,
		position@open_window := open_position,
		position@iconified_window := iconified_position,
		text := text, icon := icon } }
A window object has two position fields, but only one is visible at a time. This allows the display, erase, and move routines to send the message position as part of their implementation, without needing to know whether the window is open or closed. The create_window method initializes both position fields when the window is created, even though the position of the icon is not visible initially. The position@object notation used in the field initialization resolves the ambiguity between the two position fields.

The Cecil Language: Specification and Rationale, Version 2.1 - 25 MARCH 1997
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