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3 Static Types

3.3 Type and Signature Declarations

Variable declarations and formal arguments and results of methods, closures, and fields may be annotated with type declarations. The syntax of declarations is extended to include some new declarations:

decl	::=	let_decl
	|	tp_decl
	|	type_ext_decl
	|	object_decl
	|	obj_ext_decl
	|	predicate_decl
	|	disjoint_decl
	|	cover_decl
	|	divide_decl	
	|	signature_decl
	|	method_decl
	|	field_sig_decl
	|	field_decl
	|	precedence_decl
	|	include_decl
	|	prim_decl
In this and subsequent syntax specifications, changes to specifications as described in section 2 are in boldface.

The following example illustrates some of the extensions:

object list;
	method is_empty(l@:list):bool { l.length = 0 }
	signature length(l:list):int;
	signature do(l:list, closure:&(int):void):void;
	signature pair_do(l1:list, l2:list, closure:&(int,int):void):void;
	method prepend(x:int, l@:list):list {
		object inherits cons { head := x, tail := l } }
	method copy_reverse(l:list):list {
		let var l2:list := nil;
		do(l, &(x:int){ l2 := prepend(x, l2); };
		l2 }
representation cons isa list;
	field head(@:cons):int;
	field tail(@:cons):list;
3.3.1 - Type Declarations
3.3.2 - Representation and Object Declarations
3.3.3 - Type and Object Extension Declarations
3.3.4 - Signature Declarations
3.3.5 - Implementation and Method Declarations
3.3.6 - Field Implementation Declarations
3.3.7 - Other Type Declarations
3.3.8 - Discussion

The Cecil Language: Specification and Rationale, Version 2.1 - 25 MARCH 1997
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