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3 Static Types

3.10 Mixed Statically- and Dynamically-Typed Code

One of Cecil's major design goals is to support both exploratory programming and production programming and in particular to support the gradual evolution from programs written in an exploratory style to programs written in a production programming style. Both styles benefit from object-oriented programming, a pure object model, user-defined control structures using closures, and a flexible, interactive development environment. The primary distinction between the two programming styles relates to how much effort programmers want to put into polishing their systems. Programmers in the exploratory style want the system to allow them to experiment with partially-implemented and partially-conceived systems, with a minimum of work to construct and subsequently revamp systems; rapid feedback on incomplete and potentially inconsistent designs is crucial. The production programmer, on the other hand, is concerned with building reliable, high-quality systems, and wants as much help from the system as possible in checking and polishing systems.

To partially support these two programming styles within the same language, type declarations and type checking are optional. Type declarations may be omitted for any argument, result, or local variable. Programs without explicit type declarations are smaller and less redundant, maximizing the exploratory programmer's ability to rapidly construct and modify programs. Later, as a program (or part of a program) matures, the programmer may add type declarations incrementally to evolve the system into a more polished and reliable production form.

Omitted type declarations are treated as dynamic; dynamic may also be specified explicitly as the type of some argument, result, or variable. An expression of type dynamic may legally be passed as an argument, returned as a result, or assigned to a variable of any type. Similarly, an expression of any type may be assigned to, passed to, or returned from a variable, argument, or result, respectively, of type dynamic. This approach to integrating dynamically-typed code with statically-typed code has the effect of checking type safety statically wherever two statically-typed expressions interact (assuming that at run-time the objects resulting from evaluating the statically-typed expressions actually conform to the given types), and deferring to run-time checking at message sends whenever a dynamically-typed expression is used.

A consequence of this semantics for the dynamic type is that the static type safety of statically-typed expressions can be broken by passing an incorrect dynamically-typed value to a statically-typed piece of the program. Dynamic type checking will catch errors eventually, but run-time type errors can occur inside statically-typed code even if the code passes the type checker. An alternative approach would check types dynamically at the "interface" between dynamically- and statically-typed code: whenever a dynamically-typed value is assigned to (or passed to, or returned as) a statically-typed variable or result, the system could perform a run-time type check of the dynamically-typed value as part of the assignment. This approach would then ensure the integrity of statically-typed code: no run-time type errors can occur within statically-typed code labeled type-correct by the typechecker, even when mixed with buggy dynamically-typed code. Unfortunately, this approach has some difficulties. One problem is that objects defined in exploratory mode should not be required to include explicit subtyping declarations; such declarations could hinder the free-flowing nature of exploratory programming. However, if such an object were passed to statically-typed code, the run-time type check at the interface would fail, since the object had not been declared to be a subtype of the expected static type. We have chosen for the moment to skip the run-time check at the interface to statically-typed code in order to support use of statically-typed code from exploratory code, relying on dynamic checking at each message send to ensure that the dynamically-typed object supports all required operations. An alternative might be to perform some form of inference of the subtyping relationships of dynamically-typed objects, like that incorporated in object-oriented systems based on implicit structural subtyping, and use these inferred subtyping relationships for the run-time type check.

Cecil supports the view that static type checking is a useful tool for programmers willing to add extra annotations to their programs, but that all static efficiently-decidable checking techniques are ultimately limited in power, and programmers should not be constrained by the inherent limitations of static type checking. The Cecil type system has been designed to be flexible and expressive (in particular by supporting multi-methods, separating the subtype and code inheritance graphs, and supporting explicit and implicit parameterization) so that many reasonable programs will successfully type-check statically, but we recognize that there may still be reasonable programs that either will be awkward to write in a statically-checkable way or will be difficult if not impossible to statically type-check in any form. Accordingly, error reports do not prevent the user from executing the suspect code; users are free to ignore any type checking errors reported by the system, relying instead of dynamic type checks. Static type checking is a useful tool, not a complete solution.

The Cecil Language: Specification and Rationale, Version 2.1 - 25 MARCH 1997
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