Specialized Degree Options

The Allen School offers two specialized, interdisciplinary options that students enrolled in the Ph.D. program may pursue as part of their studies:

Advance Data Science Option

The Allen School offers an Advanced Data Science option that provides students an opportunity to build and use advanced data science tools. The goal of this program, which leads to an official university degree option listed on your transcript, is to move beyond the foundations of the field to provide an advanced education to students who are interested in pushing the state-of-the-art in data science method. Students will have the opportunity to interact with students enrolled in a similar option in a range of fields, including Genome Sciences, Statistics, Oceanography, Astronomy, and more. Visit our Advanced Data Science Option page for more details.

Computational Molecular Biology Certificate

The Allen School participates in a partnership between the University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to offer this program, which provides an opportunity for students to engage in interdisciplinary research at the intersection of biology and computer science. The certificate program includes core coursework in genomics coupled with a variety of elective offerings, a 10-week lab rotation, a weekly seminar series, and a capstone project. Visit the CMB website for a complete list of program requirements, prerequisites, and application instructions.