Our Mission: Allen School Peer Advisers work under the direction of the Allen School Academic Advising Team to assist current and prospective students navigate their undergraduate experience.

Allen School Peer Advisers support students pursuing or majoring in Computer Science and Computer Engineering at the University of Washington by

  • Connecting students to academic support services at UW including campus resources as well as professional academic and career advisers

  • Educating students on degree requirements, admissions processes, and important policies and procedures

  • Providing academic and career advice grounded in their experiences as a current Allen School student

Our Peer Advising team does not work during the summer, but will be available again starting Autumn quarter 2024. Please email ugrad-adviser@cs.washington.edu in the meantime if you have any questions. Thank you!

In an effort to support prospective current UW students who are applying to the Allen School, we are excited to offer the following resources:

  • In-person or virtual 1:1 personal statement review appointments (RSVP required, space is limited)
  • A Presentation for you to view that provides best practices and suggestions for how to write a strong personal statement for your application

20 min in-person or virtual 1:1 Peer Adviser Appointments

If you would like to schedule a 1:1 review appointment (in-person or virtual) click here. All in-person appointments will be held in the Bill & Melinda Gates Center building (CSE 2), in the undergraduate student services suite on the first floor.

Additional Questions & Support

If you would like to discuss course planning or have other admission questions, please book an appointment to meet with a Peer Adviser, or attend Quick Questions to chat with an Allen School Academic Adviser (held M-F). More information about course prerequisites, the personal statement prompt, and the application process can be found on this page. Additionally, all prospective students are highly encouraged to attend a current UW student information session, held on the second Tuesday of each month via Zoom.

Please reach out to peer-adviser@cs.washington.edu if you have any questions.

Email a Peer Adviser


Email the peer advisers for answers to simple, close-ended questions. For more complex questions, please plan to speak with a peer adviser at an appointment.

Connect with a Peer Adviser

The Allen School Peer Adviser team meets with current CSE students and current UW students who are considering applying to the Allen School. Peer Advisers can talk about Allen School admissions, personal statement feedback, course planning, internship prep, connecting with research, and general tips for being a successful student, getting involved at the Allen School and UW, and so much more.

Peer Adviser Advising Appointments

Schedule Appointment

If you would like to meet with a peer adviser virtually or in-person (20 min appointments), please schedule an appointment online. Appointments book up to 3 weeks out, so if you are seeing no available meetings please check back for more availability.

Resume Lab: For current Allen School CSE majors, peer advisers are available to meet during weekly resume labs to provide feedback on your resume and/or LinkedIn. The virtual resume lab will potentially have a small group of other Allen School students, and a Peer Adviser will rotate between each student to review and provide suggestions for roughly 10-15 mins/student. You will be required to share your screen with your resume. Appointments are required for the Resume Lab and can be booked 3 weeks in advance on our website.

Personal Statement Review: For applicants applying to the Allen School through the current UW student admissions pathway, peer advisers can provide personal statement review. Personal statement review is not available for the ENGRUD Placement personal statement prompt since it is a separate admissions pathway through the College of Engineering or the BS/MS program. Please note that Allen School academic advisers are unable to provide personal statement review. During your appointment, a peer adviser will review your rough draft and provide suggestions and edits based on their knowledge of the current UW student admissions pathway to the Allen School. Please note that personal statement review is only available for current UW students and is not available for prospective high school or transfer students. Peer advisers only work during the fall, winter, and spring quarters. Personal statement review is not available during the summer.

Meet the Peer Advisers


Photo of Melissa Mitchell

Melissa Mitchell

Lead Peer Adviser

Name Pronunciation: Muh-lis-uh
Pronouns: she/her
Why did you decide to become a peer adviser? The Allen School offers so many resources and opportunities, but some of them might not be widely known about or challenging to find. I hope to help students discover resources and take actions that will bring them closer to achieving their individual goals. Happy to talk about course planning, undergraduate research, internship recruitment, or other topics!
CSE Classes Taken: 143, 311, 312, 331, 332, 333, 341, 351, 390R, 391, 421, 442, 446, 447, 473, 492J/L, 493 (Deep Learning), 582, 590
Favorite Non-CSE Classes: LING 200 (Introduction to Linguistics), MATH 208 (Linear Algebra), ENGL 281 (Intermediate Expository Writing)
Extracurricular Involvement:Teaching assistant (311/312/416), research assistant (NLP), hackathons
Interests: Reading, bouldering, running, hiking, traveling, learning random things

Explore a wide variety of opportunities to discover your true interests. Be proactive, especially for landing the first internship or getting involved in research. Maintain a workload that works for you (avoid burnout). Don't forget to enjoy the journey as much as possible -- it passes so fast!

Photo of Jaden Wang

Jaden Wang

Research Peer Adviser

Name Pronunciation: JAY-den
Pronouns: he/they
Why did you decide to become a peer adviser? I'm excited to help students plan out their courses. Course planning can be tricky and overwhelming at times, but there are a variety of different paths towards meeting degree requirements, and I look forward to helping students find specific solutions among these paths that work best. In addition, as someone pursuing a double degree in music, I hope that I can help students pursuing double majors and double degrees with long-term course planning. I would also like to connect students with research opportunities as doing undergraduate research was a very valuable and educational experience for me.
CSE Classes Taken: 142, 143, 163, 311, 312, 331, 332, 333, 351, 390H, 391, 440, 461, 474, 492J, 496
Favorite Non-CSE Classes: PHYS 142 - Honors Electromagnetism, MUSEN 325 - Accompanying, MUSIC 470: Introduction to Schenkerian Analysis
Extracurricular Involvement: CEO of Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles (UWROV), VP of Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, Co-Chair of Q++, Member of School of Music Student Advisory Council, Karate Club, and various music ensembles on campus
Interests: Music, video games, swimming, tennis, cosplay

It's easy to worry about the future, but it's a lot more fun to enjoy the present. In college, there is so much to learn and so much to experience in just a few short years. Take time to slow down and savor every meaningful moment.

Photo of Deeksha Vatwani

Deeksha Vatwani

Peer Adviser

Name Pronunciation: DEEK-sha
Pronouns: she/her
Why did you decide to become a peer adviser? I want to help students find their community here at the Allen School and make sure they know about all the resources available to them here!
CSE Classes Taken: 142, 143, 311, 312, 331, 332, 333, 341, 451, 452, 480, 490
Favorite Non-CSE Classes: ANTH 101!
Extracurricular Involvement: Women in Computing, Software Engineering Career Club, Girls Who Code
Interests: Coffee shops, thrifting, poker, and volleyball

Pursue as many opportunities as you can!

Photo of Hai Xu

Hai Xu

Peer Adviser

Name Pronunciation: same as “hi”
Pronouns: he/him
Why did you decide to become a peer adviser? I've always valued the support I received from peers and advisers during my academic journey. Having faced numerous challenges as a student, I recognize the significance of having someone to turn to for guidance and help. This role offers me the chance to give back and have a positive impact on fellow students. With my extensive experience working with different departments, I'm excited and glad to help fellow students navigate various resources. Additionally, I enjoy connecting and talking with diverse individuals. My aim is to help foster an environment where everyone feels welcome and supported in seeking advice and making important decisions.
CSE Classes Taken: 311, 312, 331, 332, 333, 344, 351, 403, 421, 422, 440, 473, 490, 492
Favorite Non-CSE Classes: ARCH 200 & 201: Architecture Design & Representations; ARCH 415: Architectural Sketching; INFO 200: Intellectual Foundations of Informatics; PSYCH 210: Human Sexuality
Extracurricular Involvement: CSE peer adviser, PM intern for a VR fitness game company, Variety of CSE student organizations like GEN1, COM2, and Ability.
Interests: Photography, Handcrafting, Travelling, Video games, listening to podcasts, and looking at the sky.

I want to tell students that it is common for you to feel that you might be not as smart as your peers, or you feel that you are the only one that get lost in CSE classes (yes, imposter syndrome). You are not alone, and we are here to help. Besides that, life outside of school is also important. Go exploring and enjoy your college life and make many friends!

Photo of Jackson Ma

Jackson Ma

Peer Adviser

Name Pronunciation: JAK + suhn
Pronouns: he/him
Why did you decide to become a peer adviser? I was not directly admitted to the UW CSE program; I applied and got in during my freshman year. At that time, the advising team was instrumental in my journey, guiding me meticulously through course planning, personal statement writing, and resume editing. Their support was invaluable during a period filled with stress and uncertainty. Now, as I approach my senior year, I am eager to offer the same guidance and support to those new to the major or those looking to apply! Come say hi!
CSE Classes Taken: CSE 311, CSE 312, CSE 351, CSE 373, CSE 332, CSE 331, CSE 416, CSE 442, CSE 421, CSE 344, CSE 484, CSE 473
Favorite Non-CSE Classes: DANCE 102, PSYC 210, AMATH 351-353, CFRM 405, SPANISH
Extracurricular Involvement: CSE 373 TA, CSE Peer Advisor
Interests: Basketball, Web Development, Bowling, Hip pop, Fitness, Swimming

Have fun, Have goals, Have backup plans

Photo of Sam Levy

Sam Levy

Lead Peer Adviser

Pronouns: he/him
Why did you decide to become a peer adviser? I really love that we provide a space for us all to come and talk through the tough decisions or challenges we are going through in our lives! I like being able to connect students to the many different resources the Allen School has to offer and I am glad to share what advice I can from the mistakes and lessons I have learned from my time in the Allen School!
CSE Classes Taken: 143, 311, 312, 332, 333, 344, 351, 373, 391, 421, 446, 447, 451, 461, 480
Favorite Non-CSE Classes: Math 318 - Advanced Linear Algebra: Tools and Applications, Engr 105 - Introduction to Engineering Design, LSJ 322 - Human Rights In Latin America, Honors 230 - Prison Logics and Abolition Futures
Extracurricular Involvement:(Incoming) TA for 12x series, Technical Project Manager/Developer for Impact++, Peer Adviser, Orientation leader
Interests: Reading, listening to podcasts, running, hiking, backpacking, learning to play guitar, and crafting things

In the Allen School is can be easy to feel like there's only one path forward and only one definition of success. However, the wonderful thing about computer science is that it can be applied in almost any area of the world! As a result, there are so many places you can go with it and so many different ways to be "successful"! It's great to take inspiration from other students, but remember to also find out what you are interested and passionate about!

Photo of Isha Jodh

Isha Jodh

Peer Adviser

Pronouns: she/her
Why did you decide to become a peer adviser? I love meeting new people and getting to know people, especially if I can help them achieve a goal, find direction, learn anything new, or work through something. Teaching, mentoring, and advising have always been very meaningful, fun, and fulfilling for me and I have created so many rewarding friendships and connections through this type of work in the past and have always enjoyed it a lot, so I wanted to become a Peer Adviser during my college years to continue it all through Peer Advising. Also, I like meeting a lot of new people in our CSE department since it is pretty big now, and seeing students grow over the year! I also learn a lot about myself and become a better person through Peer Advising so I'm happy to be here again this year.
CSE Classes Taken: 190, 311, 312, 331, 332, 333, 341, 344, 351, 421, 442, 451, 473, 480, 484
Favorite Non-CSE Classes: INFO 200: Intellectual Foundations of Informatics, PSYCH 210: Psychology of Human Sexuality, MUSIC 185: The Concert Season
Extracurricular Involvement: Impact++, Engineers Without Borders, BEA (Business Ethics Association), CSE TA for CS + Social Good class, CSE Ambassador, CSE Peer Adviser, UW Alumni Association Student Ambassador, Neah Bay Riverways Volunteer Program, Unite UW, UW Northwest Women (various outdoor activities)
Interests: Martial arts, traveling, hiking, skydiving, flying helicopters, any water or snow activity, baking/cooking, painting/sketching, playing violin/cello/piano, watching football games, road trips, going to concerts/live music, chasing sunsets. Within tech, I'm interested in tech + social good, accessibility, distributed systems.

I would advise students to get involved early and often at UW, and to try different activities to see which ones you like the most. Don't box yourself into one set path and instead try to do something out of your comfort zone, since you'll experience a lot of growth and might discover something new that you love to do. Plus, you'll meet lots of new people with similar interests and values, and create strong relationships too. For academics, I'd say go to office hours a lot and talk to your classmates/TAs/professors often, and don't be scared to ask a lot of questions or for help when you need to! The Allen school offers a lot of support, resources, and opportunities so it is up to you how many you utilize here to make the most of your college experience. And also importantly, don't forget to have fun, make great memories while you're here, and cherish these years and experiences!

Photo of Jaden Wang

Jaden Wang

Research-Focused Peer Adviser

Pronouns: he/they
Why did you decide to become a peer adviser? Course planning can be tricky and overwhelming at times, but there are a variety of different paths towards meeting degree requirements; I'm excited to find specific solutions among these paths that work well for different people. In addition, as someone pursuing a double degree in music, I hope that I can help students pursuing double majors and double degrees with long-term course planning. I also think undergraduate research positions are very enjoyable and educational, and I would like to enable more students to have these opportunities.
CSE Classes Taken: 142, 143, 163, 311, 312, 331, 332, 333, 351, 390H, 391, 492J
Favorite Non-CSE Classes: PHYS 142 - Honors Electromagnetism, MUSEN 325 - Accompanying, MUSIC 470: Introduction to Schenkerian Analysis
Extracurricular Involvement: CEO of Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles (UWROV), CSE 12X TA, Undergraduate Research Assistant, Co-Chair of Q++, Member of Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, School of Music Student Advisory Council, Karate Club
Interests: Music, video games, sudoku puzzles, swimming, tennis

Take things at a pace that works for you! There are a lot of high achieving people in the UW CSE space which can be unmotivating and lead to imposter syndrome, but trust that your effort is going to lead you to success - both in the Allen School and beyond.

Photo of Connor Espig

Connor Espig

Peer Adviser

Pronouns: he/him
Why did you decide to become a peer adviser? I hope to help prospective and current students navigate college and industry! CSE Classes Taken: 142, 143, 311, 312, 331, 332, 333, 341, 344, 351, 391, 421, 446, 461, 473, 544 (In Progress: 451, 484)
Favorite Non-CSE Classes: ENGL 282 (Intermediate Multimodal Composition), ACCTG 219 (Essentials of Accounting), PSYCH 210 (The Diversity of Human Sexuality)
Extracurricular Involvement: Council Member of the Interfraternity Council, Leadership Chair of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity
Interests: Guitar, Traveling, Weight Lifting, Badminton, Baking, Cooking, Hiking, Reading

Enjoy your time while an Allen student and take classes with friends! Don't stress out about grades or fancy internships, your life outside of school is just as important!

Photo of Ketaki Deuskar

Ketaki Deuskar

Pronouns: she/her
CSE Classes Taken: 143, 311, 312, 331, 332, 333, 344, 351, 421, 442, 446, 457, 461 (current: 484, 451)
Favorite Non-CSE Classes: PSYCH 210 (Human Sexuality), GH 456 (Global Mental Health), HSTCMP 202 (World Wars 1 and 2)
Extracurricular Involvement:CSE 143 TA (previously: 142, 311), Peer Advisor, former ACM officer (Vice Chair, Social Event Coordinator, Associate Officer), UW Dream Project Mentor
Interests: Tech + social good, reading, cooking, teaching, traveling, watching sunrises/sunsets, planning road trips, The Office

College is a time of exploration so take classes you’re genuinely interested in, step out of your comfort zone, and stay curious. There is no one set path in CS and in college even if it may seem like there is! :)

Photo of Isha Jodh

Isha Jodh

Pronouns: she/her
CSE Classes Taken: 190, 311, 312, 331, 332, 333, 341, 351, 421
Favorite Non-CSE Classes: Pharm 301 - Medications and Health, Info 200 - Intellectual Foundations, PHG 303 - DTC Genetic Testing Issues
Extracurricular Involvement: Impact++, Engineers Without Borders, BEA (Business Ethics Association), TA for CS + Social Good class, CSE Ambassador, Peer Adviser, UW Alumni Association Student Ambassador, Neah Bay Riverways Program
Interests: martial arts, baking/cooking, hiking, traveling, painting

Get involved early and try different activities out to see which ones you like the most. Don't box yourself into one set path and instead try to do something out of your comfort zone, since you'll experience a lot of growth and might discover something new that you love to do. For academics, I'd say go to office hours a lot and talk to your classmates/TAs/professors often, and don't be scared to ask a lot of questions! The Allen school offers a lot of support, resources, and opportunities so it is up to you how many you utilize here.

Photo of Annalice Ni

Annalice Ni

Pronouns: she/her
CSE Classes Taken: 143, 311, 312, 331, 332, 351, 391, 333, 344, 421, 484, 451, 446, 455, 461, 492E - computer ethics seminar, (current: 442, 490 - Deep Learning)
Favorite Non-CSE Classes: PSYCH 250 - Racism and Minority Groups, MATH 318 - Advanced Linear Algebra, HONORS 220 - The Biology of Human Diversity
Extracurricular Involvement: Research at Ubicomp Lab, Peer Advising, CSE Strategy Planning Group, (prev. ACM)
Interests: Computer ethics, applied ML, reading, video games (mostly Nintendo Switch), arts & crafts, cooking, rock climbing

Focus on what you want to do with your UW experience and don’t feel pressured to pursue certain opportunities just because people around you are doing so. You only have so many years as a college student, so spend it doing what you’re passionate about! That being said, be open to trying new things at the Allen School because there’s so much you can explore and learn about during your time here.

Photo of Sam Levy

Sam Levy

Pronouns: he/him
CSE Classes Taken: CSE 143, 311, 312, 332, 373, 351, 333, 391, 421, 473, 446 (Fall quarter)
Favorite Non-CSE Classes: Math 318 - Advanced Linear Algebra: Tools and Applications, Engr 105 - Introduction to Engineering Design, LSJ 200 -Introduction to Law, Societies, and Justice (I am taking this in in the fall and am incredibly excited!), Honors 230 - Prison Logics and Abolition Futures
Extracurricular Involvement: Orientation Leader (former), Technical Project Manager for Impact++, Peer adviser!
Interests: Reading, listening to podcasts, running, hiking, backpacking, learning to play guitar, and doing sudoku :)

I would recommend more than anything reaching out to other students and professors to build relationships. You will see the same people in your classes over and over again and so reaching out towards the beginning of college makes forming study groups and building friendships a lot easier! I'd also recommend students explore other interests they have whether that be by taking different classes, exploring other clubs/student organizations, or joining groups outside of UW! It's a really good way to ensure you avoid burning out and have more fun in college!

Photo of Khang Phoong

Khang Phoong

Pronouns: he/him
CSE Classes Taken: 142, 143, 154, 373, 311, 312, 331, 332, 351, 391, 344, 444, 446, 447, 421, 481N (NLP Capstone), 498 (Research)
Favorite Non-CSE Classes: HSTAA 402 (Witchcraft in Colonial New England), MUSEN 301 (Wind Ensemble), MUSICP 329 (Clarinet)
Extracurricular Involvement: Peer Adviser, TA for CSE 312, Research Assistant with the ICTD Lab, Former Secretary of Hip Hop Student Association/ Member of the Dance Team
Interests: Clarinet, Dancing, Watching Korean Entertainment Shows

School can be stressful and overwhelming sometimes, remember to take breaks often and indulge in your interests and hobbies to destress. It is good to form study groups with friends so that you can help one another learn and understand course content better.