About the workshop


We developed this workshop as part of our broader efforts to promote an open and inclusive community in the Allen School. Our goal is to empower students, staff, and faculty to make their daily interactions more inclusive and less biased.


This short workshop is designed to be informative and practical. We discuss why inclusion is important to our work in tech, define common concepts related to inclusion and bias, and practice making our conversations more inclusive. Participants should leave with a better understanding of why we must work collectively and proactively toward an inclusive environment, and have practical strategies for promoting inclusion in their daily interactions.


This workshop was built collaboratively: The idea and format are based on BiasBusters@Work developed at Google and refined for academic environments at CMU. We redesigned our workshop to reflect the culture and goals of the Allen School, with expert guidance from the NCWIT. Each presentation is adapted slightly to suit the specific audience.

As of June 2018, more than 200 Allen School members have participated: undergraduate and graduate students (including many TAs and student leaders), advisors, and lecturers. 

Schedule or attend a workshop

Currently the workshop is offered as a part of the Allen School's upper-division TA training workshop, which is mandatory for all new TAs. If you work outside the Allen School and would like to see our materials or learn more about our workshop, we're happy to share resources and ideas.

More resources

Resources for instructors

Research and texts cited in our workshop

Additional research on bias and inclusiveness in tech and academia