Title: Learning to Adapt: Analyses for Configurable Software

Advisor: Dan Grossman

Supervisory Committee: Dan Grossman (Chair), Cecilia Aragon (GSR, HCDE), Zachary Tatlock, and Ras Bodik

Abstract: Configurations are found at all levels of the software stack: from kernel options to configuration files in MapReduce. However, ubiquitous configurations are not without consequences; these negative effects impact developers, end-users, and tool designers. Users must find and set the correct configuration options to achieve the behavior they want: failing to set options correctly can lead to unexpected behavior or crashes. Developers must also contend with large spaces of configurations and non-obvious interaction of features. Tool designers must contend with configurable applications, libraries and frameworks, where information about runtime behavior is spread across multiple artifacts including code annotations, configuration files, and more.

In this talk, I propose a dissertation that explores improving software quality by building analyses for configurable software. I motivate and propose two hypotheses that my dissertation will explore. I review related work in the area of my future dissertation work and briefly summarize my prior research in the area of configurable software.  Finally, I sketch my future dissertation work and work I plan to pursue after graduation.

CSE 403
Monday, March 6, 2017 - 14:30 to 16:30