Baldur: Whole-Proof Generation and Repair with Large Language Models
by Emily First, Markus Rabe, Talia Ringer, Yuriy Brun

Formally verifying software properties is a highly desirable but labor-intensive task. Recent work has developed methods to automate formal verification using proof assistants, such as Coq and Isabelle/HOL, e.g., by training a model to predict one proof step at a time, and using that model to search through the space of possible proofs. This paper introduces a new method to automate formal verification: We use large language models, trained on natural language text and code and fine-tuned on proofs, to generate whole proofs for theorems at once, rather than one step at a time. We combine this proof generation model with a fine-tuned repair model to repair generated proofs, further increasing proving power. As its main contributions, this paper demonstrates for the first time that: (1) Whole-proof generation using transformers is possible and is as effective as search-based techniques without requiring costly search. (2) Giving the learned model additional context, such as a prior failed proof attempt and the ensuing error message, results in proof repair and further improves automated proof generation. (3) We establish a new state of the art for fully automated proof synthesis. We reify our method in a prototype, Baldur, and evaluate it on a benchmark of 6,336 Isabelle/HOL theorems and their proofs. In addition to empirically showing the effectiveness of whole-proof generation, repair, and added context, we show that Baldur improves on the state-of-the-art tool, Thor, by automatically generating proofs for an additional 8.7% of the theorems. Together, Baldur and Thor can prove 65.7% of the theorems fully automatically. This paper paves the way for new research into using large language models for automating formal verification.

Emily First, Markus Rabe, Talia Ringer, and Yuriy Brun, Baldur: Whole-Proof Generation and Repair with Large Language Models, in Proceedings of the 30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 2023, pp. 1229–1241 (ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award).
  author = {Emily First and Markus Rabe and Talia Ringer and Yuriy Brun},
  title = {\href{}{Baldur: {Whole}-Proof Generation and Repair with Large Language Models}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th ACM Joint European Software
  Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software
  Engineering (ESEC/FSE)},
  pages = {1229--1241},
  venue = {ESEC/FSE},
  month = {December},
  year = {2023},
  date = {6--8},
  address = {San Fransisco, CA, USA},
  doi = {10.1145/3611643.3616243},
  note = {\raisebox{-.5ex}{\includegraphics[height=2.5ex]{trophy}}~ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award. 
  10.1145/3611643.3616243}, arXiv: \href{}{abs/2303.04910}},
  comment = {<span class="emphasis">ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award</span>},
  accept = {$\frac{60}{473} \approx 13\%$ (direct accept, without revision)},

  abstract = {<p>Formally verifying software properties is a highly desirable
  but labor-intensive task. Recent work has developed methods to automate
  formal verification using proof assistants, such as Coq and Isabelle/HOL,
  e.g., by training a model to predict one proof step at a time, and using
  that model to search through the space of possible proofs. This paper
  introduces a new method to automate formal verification: We use large
  language models, trained on natural language text and code and fine-tuned
  on proofs, to generate whole proofs for theorems at once, rather than one
  step at a time. We combine this proof generation model with a fine-tuned
  repair model to repair generated proofs, further increasing proving power.
  As its main contributions, this paper demonstrates for the first time that:
  (1) Whole-proof generation using transformers is possible and is as
  effective as search-based techniques without requiring costly search. (2)
  Giving the learned model additional context, such as a prior failed proof
  attempt and the ensuing error message, results in proof repair and further
  improves automated proof generation. (3) We establish a new state of the
  art for fully automated proof synthesis. We reify our method in a
  prototype, Baldur, and evaluate it on a benchmark of 6,336 Isabelle/HOL
  theorems and their proofs. In addition to empirically showing the
  effectiveness of whole-proof generation, repair, and added context, we show
  that Baldur improves on the state-of-the-art tool, Thor, by automatically
  generating proofs for an additional 8.7% of the theorems. Together, Baldur
  and Thor can prove 65.7% of the theorems fully automatically. This paper
  paves the way for new research into using large language models for
  automating formal verification.</p>},
  fundedBy = {DARPA HR0011-22-9-0063, NSF CCF-2210243},