GrpAdmin Software Installation and Operations Manual


       This  document  describes the overall organization of
     the GrpAdmin software suite.   It  includes  procedures
     for initial installation and continuing maintenance.

1.  Introduction

GrpAdmin is software suite that allows unprivileged users to man-
age Unix group ownerships and memberships.  It is basically orga-
nized into four major components:

1.  An SQL database that contains various types of group informa-

2.  A library of routines that access the DB in a secure  manner.

3.  User  interfaces  (command  line, X-Windows and Web) built on
    top of the access library.

4.  A set of utility procedures for  (re-)creating  the  GrpAdmin
    database  and extracting DB content into the flat-file format
    used by Unix programs.

Each of these components will be discussed in some detail.   Con-
stant  reference  will  be made to various elements of the source
code, which is organized as given in Table 1.

          |               Table 1                 |
          |  Directory   |        Content         |
          |build         | compiled code          |
          |config        | main   configuration |
          |              | file                   |
          |doc           | documentation   source |
          |              | files                  |
          |src/bin       | user       interfaces, |
          |              | including    Web   CGI |
          |              | script                 |
          |src/lib       | DB   access   library, |
          |              | authentication    rou- |
          |              | tines                  |
          |src/utils     | DB initialization  and |
          |              | maintenance scripts    |
          |src/wish      | X-Windows GUI library  |
          |src/wish/help | on-line help files for |
          |              | GUI.                   |

Now is a good time to explain a particularly important file: con-
fig/config.sed.   GrpAdmin  is  written in three programming lan-
guages, C, Tcl/Tk8.0 and Perl5.0.  Symbolic pathnames,  contants,
etc.  within  the code are maintain by using sed(1)  as a prepro-
cessor for all source files. Config.sed contains such  configura-
tion  definitions in the form of substitutions for strings of the
form @@some_name@@.  Relevant "@@" variable names  will  be  men-
tioned  in  appropriate contexts below. You may want to edit con-
fig.sed as we go along.

2.  Basic Requirements and Preliminary Database Setup

GrpAdmin uses Kerberos for authentication.  You must have a work-
ing  Kerberos  KDC  to  use GrpAdmin.  It is assumed that you are
familiar with  creating  Kerberos  principals  and  dealing  with
keytab files.

It  is also assumed that you have a working knowledge of managing
PostGres databases and that you have a DB configured to use  Ker-
beros  authentication installed and working. You need the FQDN of
the  machine  hosting  the  database   server   to   define   the
@@GRPDB_HOST@@ string in the config file.  Also need the PostGres
programming  libraries  libpq  and  libpgtcl  installed  wherever
GrpAdmin software will run.

Determine the name of the database that will hold the tables used
by GrpAdmin.  It if does not exist then create it now.   Use  the
database name to define the @@GRPDB_NAME@@ config string.

Create  the  Kerberos  principal used by GrpAdmin to authenticate
itself to the  DB.   The  name  of  this  principal  (default  is
grpadmfe) defines the @@GRPFE_ID@@ config string.  Create a Post-
Gres account for that name using the  PGSQL  createuser  utility.
Create a PostGres-DB group called unixgroup_owners containing the
GrpAdmin principal and any real  users  who  will  have  complete
read/write access to the tables comprising the group DB.  Extract
the GrpAdmin principal keytab and make in readable only by a sin-
gle  Unix  user;   this user name (default is postgres) should be
used to define the @@GRPADMIN_SUID@@ config string.

Much of the above paragraph  is  related  to  how  GrpAdmin  does
authentication  and  authorization,  so  it is worth delving into
that topic in greater detail.  GrpAdmin requires that  all  users
present  Kerberos  credentials.   It  uses  those  credentials to
acquire a ticket for the database service and opens a  connection
to  the  server.  The server attempts to validate the ticket as a
form of mutual authentication.  If it cannot do so it returns  an
error and GrpAdmin exits.  Even if the ticket is good, the server
will still (in general) reject the connection since the user will
not have a DB account entry.  If this error is returned, GrpAdmin
knows that the user has presented valid credentials and  opens  a
separate connection to the DB server using the @@GRPFE_ID@@ iden-
tity and associated keytab.  From that point on, GrpAdmin acts as
a  proxy for the user, enforcing authorization restrictions which
are resident in the group DB information.  The  ability  to  make
changes  to  DB  content are a function of the @@GRPFE_ID@@ iden-
tity.  Thus the keytab used  to  generate  credentials  for  that
identity  must  be  protected.   That is why the extracted keytab
file is readable only by @@GRPADMIN_SUID@@; all  user  interfaces
run as suid programs to that user.

2.1.  Finalize Configuration of GrpAdmin

There  are  several  other parameters that must be defined before
the GrpAdmin software can be compiled:

  Where the programs, help files, etc. are to be installed.   The
  default is /usr/local/.contrib/GrpAdmin.

  Where  to  put  symbolic  links  to user interface executables.
  Default: /usr/local/bin.

  The directory where GrpAdmin periodically creates  "flat  file"
  versions  the  group database. These files are intended for use
  by standard Unix text utilities. Default: @@INST_DIR@@/Files.

  The full pathname to the keytab file for the  GrpAdmin  princi-
  pal.  Default: @@INST_DIR@@/data/grpadmfe.kt.

  Base    path    where    PostGres   is   installed.    Default:

  Maximum number of login groups allowed per user.   This  number
  does  not  include  the  group  associated with the user in the
  /etc/passwd file.  Default: 13.

  Minimum numeric group id to allocate; group ids less than  this
  number  will  not  be given to new groups.  Existing groups can
  have group ids less than this number.  Default: 1024.

  Maxmimum numeric group id.  Default: 65535.

  FQDN of the machine which  will  host  the  Web  interface  CGI
  scripts.  Default: none.

  Base  URL  of  the  directory  where the CGI scripts will live.
  Default: none.

Once all configuration parameters have been determined, simply cd
to  the  src directory, type "make" and then, if no errors, "make

2.2.  Seeding The Database

Note: This section is applicable only during the initial  instal-
lation  of  GrpAdmin.   If  you  have been using GrpAdmin and are
attempting some sort of DB disaster recovery, see Section X.Y.

Initial content of the GrpAdmin database is provided by  existing
/etc/group  file(s).  However, the DB maintains additional seman-
tic content (such as group ownerships and expiration dates).  You
may wish to provide that content when initially seeding the DB.

1.  You  must be sure that one of the initial group files contain
    a group called "GrpAdmin".  Members of this group are consid-
    ered  GrpAdmin  administrators and have the ability to create
    new groups, delete existing groups and users, change the own-
    ership of any group, etc.

2.  You can establish initial groups ownerships.  This is done by
    inserting a comma-separated list of user names in the  second
    (password) field of the group definition.  E.g.,


3.  You  can establish initial group expiration dates and primary-
    secondary group relationships by creating a separate  group  con-
    trol file with this information.  The format of the file is:

         groupname groupid expiration-date primary-group-name

    Expiration  dates  use  the  syntax  'mm-dd-yy[yy]'.  Use the
    string '{}' to specify a null value for an expiration date or
    primary group.  E.g.:

                    junk2 1064 04-01-2003 {}
                    junk2_1 1048 {} junk2
                    blah 666 12-31-01 blahprimary

    After  making any adjustments to the /etc/group file informa-
    tion copy the group file, the group control  file  (if  any),
    and  the  shell  script  build/initgrpdb.csh  to the PostGres
    server machine.  You must initialize the DB from  the  server
    since  the installation procedures use the SQL 'copy' command
    for data entry.

To run the initialization procedure on the server, make sure that
you  have  to  ability to create tables within the @@GRPDB_NAME@@
database.  Then set a shell environment variable  DBTMPDIR  to  a
directory where you have write access.  Finally, invoke the init-
grpdb.csh as:

    initgrpdb.csh <initial-group-file> <initial-group-file> \

At this point you should be able to run one of the GrpAdmin  user
interfaces to confirm that the DB has been populated.

3.  Maintenance Operations

GrpAdmin  requires period maintenance commands to be run, usually
under the aupices of the cron(8) daemon.

3.1.  Unix Group File Creation

As mentioned, GrpAdmin periodically converts the group DB content
to flat files for use by standard Unix utilities.  This is accom-
plished by the script updateugfiles.tcl.  It is meant to  be  run
as  a cron(8) job on a single primary machine from which all other
nodes retrieve copies of the updated  group  information.   Upda-
teugfiles  checks  for  changes  in  the group DB and creates new
files if necessary, leaving them in  the  @@DUMP_DIR@@  directory
defined in the configuration file. The entire GrpAdmin suite must
be installed on the machine where updateugfiles  runs,  but  that
machine  need not be database server itself.  The resulting Unix-
format files are assumed to migrate from  the  update  server  to
other machines by locally defined means.

The  frequency  with updateugfiles is runs depends on how rapidly
group information should be propagated to participating machines,
which  in turn is a function of how often those machines poll for
changes. Under normal circumstances, new files  will  be  created
only  if DB changes are detected.  However, the -force option can
be used to create new files even if no modifications  are  appar-
ent.   Updateugfiles  must  be run with a real and effective root
uid; you cannot run the program from a {k}su shell.

GrpAdmin creates standard /etc/group files  for  distribution  to
Unix  machines.  It also creates files that can be used to recre-
ate the database content in case of  disastrous  failure.   These
files are:

  Contains the raw SQL commands used for DB updates, the identity
  of the person who did the update and time it was done.

  Expiration dates and primary-secondary group relationships.

  User name, group name and login group indication for all  group

  Group ownership information.

  Unix  format group file; does not include group memberships for
  non-login groups.

  Unix format group file containing login and nonlogin group mem-

All of the files are maintained using the rcs(1) revision control
system so that DB content can be reconstructed from any point  in
the past.

3.2.  Group Expiration

The  script  bin/expire.con is intended to be run once a day.  It
checks the group DB for expired groups and deletes  them.   These
deletions  appear  as normal GrpAdmin commands in the update log.
Thus updateugfiles will construct new Unix group files  the  next
time it is run.

4.  Web Interface Installation

To Be Supplied.

5.  Appendix -- Further Reading

Further details regarding the GrpAdmin design and terminology can
be found at:
  GrpAdmin User's Manual
  GrpAdmin Design Description
  Further links to GrpAdmin user interface manual pages, etc.