gitlabService Overview

GitLab Pages is a way to host project websites with CSE GitLab, much the way you can with GitHub. Using GitLab CI and GitLab runner, you can maintain and deploy static webpages for your CSE GitLab projects, groups, or yourself.

Get Started!

There are only a few steps to get this working.

  1. You need to setup your .gitlab-ci.yml file with:
    - Pages

    in order for the build job to be picked up by our shared pages runner.
  2. You'll need to setup a domain mapping for your site on the Settings -> Pages screen of your Gitlab Project. The default domain is, but you can set whatever you like there. For non [cs.] domains, you'll be responsible for the DNS entry. For mapping a [cs.] domain to you Gitlab Pages page, please contact support@cs for assistance.