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The Genius of Community: Technology as Friend and Foe in the Lives of Deaf People

Harry Lang (Rochester Institute of Technology)

Summer Speaker

Thursday, August 7, 2008, 7:00pm

120 Kane Hall


Dr. Harry Lang, a Deaf professor in the Department of Research and Teacher Education at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology, will be giving a public lecture on the subject of technology and how it impacts the Deaf community. The lecture will take place on August 7, 2008 at 7:00 PM in Room 120 Kane Hall on the University of Washington campus. A reception will follow the lecture. The book, "Moments of Truth: Robert R. Davila, the Story of a Deaf Leader," co-authored by Harry Lang, will be available for purchase. Voice interpretation will be provided.

Lang will speak about the history of technology within the Deaf community. Throughout history, deaf people have had a variety of experiences, both positive and negative, with technology. "Cures" for deafness, the impact of mass media developments, and advances in telecommunications devices are but a few examples. Often divided by communication preferences and the patronizing attitudes of some professional organizations and individuals, deaf people have had to constantly battle for access. This presentation will highlight how positive change occurred in history in one event when the Deaf community broke away from the centuries-old battle between sign language proponents and advocates of oralism and united to enhance their own lives with long-distance visual telephones.

For more information, contact Rob Roth at A map showing the location of the Kane Hall is available at Kane Hall.
This night is made possible by the generosity of AccessComputing and the Boeing Professorship.
To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Services Office at: 206.543.6450 (voice), 206.543.6452 (TTY), 206.685.7264 (fax), or email at The University of Washington makes every effort to honor disability accommodation requests. Requests can be responded to most effectively if received as far in advance of the event as possible, preferably at least 10 days.
