TitleSemantics for locking specifications
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsErnst MD, Macedonio D, Merro M, Spoto F
Date or Month PublishedSeptember
AbstractTo prevent concurrency errors, programmers need to obey a locking discipline. Annotations that specify that discipline, such as Java's \texttt@GuardedBy, are already widely used. Unfortunately, their semantics is expressed informally and is consequently ambiguous. This article highlights such ambiguities and overcomes them by formalizing two possible semantics of \texttt@GuardedBy, using a reference operational semantics for a core calculus of a concurrent Java-like language. It also identifies when such annotations are actual guarantees against data races. Our work aids in understanding the annotations and supports the development of sound tools that verify or infer them.
Downloadshttps://homes.cs.washington.edu/~mernst/pubs/locking-semantics-tr150901.pdf PDF
Citation KeyErnstMMS2015