Database Structure


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Database structure

Source code

Management of the project management/

MySQL database system mysql/mysql.htm

Appendices are in appendix/appendix.htm.

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Entity-Relationship Diagram

ER Diagram
Here is the ER diagram for the database.


This is our schema:

ProgramPoints(ppname Blob, numargs int, vnames Blob, 
              vtypes Blob, vcomparables Blob)

Info(name Blob not null, value Blob)

<PPNAME>values(timestamp Bigint not null auto_increment,
               index (timestamp),
               count Bigint not null,
               value0 TYPE,
               mod0 Int,
               valueN TYPE,
               modN Int)

TYPE is either Bigint or Blob.

The ProgramPoints and Info tables each have a fixed schema like most databases. ppname in the ProgramPoints table is a column of program point names.

However, the schema <PPNAME>values is really a specification for a set of schemas, one for each program point. Each program point has its own schema and its own table. <PPNAME> is a placeholder for the program point name. Also, each program point table has a certain number of variables, but the number of variables (and therefore the number of columns) varies among tables.

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Webmaster: Patrick Snyder
Last modified: 6/8/99
This file: dbstructure/dbstructure.htm

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