Steam-powered Turing Machine University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering
 Project 2: Modeler - Project Description
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Project Description

In this project you define a 3D model and controls for moving it, and then display and operate the model. The project skeleton contains the framework code for the UI as well as some functions for drawing primitives. You will specify your model in a separate source file that will be compiled and linked in with the existing code.

Take a look at what the CSE 457 Autumn 2002 class did for their Modeler projects. And it gets better - your model can even be re-used in the big animation project at the end of the quarter!

Project Objectives

In this project you will use OpenGL to create and animate a character of your own design. You will become familiar with 3D hierarchical modeling and transformations. Hopefully, you will also have fun creating your own character.

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