CSE331 Autumn 2011
Software Design and Implementation

Editing, compiling, running and testing in Eclipse (and more)

In this document In related documents
UW CSE lab computing Working at Home Files Auto-complete Viewing Documentation 331 Javadoc Eclipse Quick Reference
Automation with Ant Compiling Running programs Testing with JUnit Initial Setup Miscellaneous Tools Working at Home


Programming with tools can be a tedious and at times frustrating activity.  (On the other hand, programming without tools is demented and would make Hercules' cleaning of the Augean stables seem like learning to play Angry Birds.)  This page is intended to lay out some of the key tools that you will need in 331.  (Many of the terms have links to describe them in more detail; many of these are links to Wikipedia, but there are lots of other references you can find on-and-off the web.)

All the programming this quarter will be in Java.  To write and run Java programs requires ways to

Java programs run on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that executes Java bytecode.  There are JVMs for almost all computing platforms including Linux, Windows and Mac OS.  A Java Development Kit (JDK) is used to develop and compile Java programs; a JDK has lots of tools, including the compiler (javac),a document generator (javadoc), and more.  A JDK also contains a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (or "private runtime"), which includes a JVM as well as all the class libraries one needs to both run and develop Java programs.  Editing, modifying, testing, debugging, etc. is often done using an interactive programming environment (IDE), such as Eclipse and NetBeans for Java and Visual Studio for C, C++ and C#.  Some people instead to choose to use a less-integrated set of tools, such as an editor (like emacs), a debugger (like jdb), a compiler (like javac), etc., combining them primarily by executing them directly from the command line of their operating system. 

We will assume you're using Eclipse—if not, you're (much more) on your own.

We will be using Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 (Java SE 6) -- the "product version" (which you may also see called Java 1.6, as the "developers" version).  (The release before this was, confusingly, Java 2 Platforn, Standard Edition 5.0, J2SE 5.0, also known as Java 1.5.) Don't forget a couple of things to configure before you get started with the 331 assignments.

UW CSE Instructional Computing

For most work, you'll be able to work on whatever standard operating system platform you choose.  In a few cases, you may need a Linux prompt to perform an action on attu.  In these cases, you'll need to use ssh (a secure shell) to access attu and learn some basic knowledge of Unix/Linux commands, which you can get through the Unix tutorials provided by the student ACM chapter.

Oh yes, you'll also absolutely positively need to remember your UW CSE user id and password.  If you need help, take a peek at the general overview of CSE's computing support for undergraduates.

Working at Home (warning! warning! warning!)

Some of you will naturally prefer to work at home rather than in the CSE labs.  We have a handout on how to do this, but it comes with a major warning.  Installing and running Java -- and especially Eclipse -- on different operating systems (variants of Linux, Windows, Mac OS) with different versions of Java, Eclipse, and such can be complicated.  We have some expertise, but it's sometimes hard for us to get it right and, even more, figure out what's wrong.  We will try to help, but we will be much more helpful overall in addressing any problems that arise in the UW CSE installations in the lab.


In the Java perspective (Window » Open Perspective » Other... » Java), you can open files by double-clicking them from the Package Explorer pane. You can switch between multiple open files quickly by using Ctrl-F6 to select the file you want from a dropdown list. You can also navigate through different files using the tabs on top of the editor pane.

To create a new Java source file (with the .java extension), select from the top menu File » New » Class. In the window that pops up

Create non-Java files, such as text files, in a similar way. Select File » New » File, choose the parent directory of your new file in the dialog box, and type the desired filename.You can create a new directory by simply appending the directory name in front of your desired filename.


Eclipse has an extensive and largely effective auto-complete engine, which can significantly improve your effectiveness.  The idea is to allow you to enter the prefix of an element (such as a variable name), with auto-complete providing legal and likely completions.  CTRL-Space invokes auto-complete at the cursor location in the active editor.  For example, if you have declared a variable named spanishGreeting in the current class, and have typed the letters spanishGree in a subsequent line, Eclipse can infer that you mean to type spanishGreeting. If you enter CTRL-Space while your cursor is at the right of the incomplete name, you should see spanishGree expand to spanishGreeting

Other examples:

When in doubt, try CTRL-Space!

Viewing Documentation

Although you can browse the Java 6 API directly at the Oracle site, it is generally more convenient to open Javadoc for the class by placing your cursor over the class name anywhere in your code and pressing SHIFT-F2

For the classes you define, Eclipse needs to where to find their documentation. Right click on the project name in the Package Explorer pane, click Properties, select Javadoc Location and enter file:/homes/iws/YourUserName/workspace331/projectName/doc/ (make sure to include file: so the location will be recognized by a web browser). Click OK.

For your own or the course APIs, remember to generate the docs locally before you view them.

Automation with Ant

Ant is a tool that can be used to automate many common tasks, such as compiling, testing, and running code. The instructions for Ant are stored in a "buildfile" named build.xml. The buildfile specifies a set of targets that it supports, such as build and test. In our buildfile, the usagetarget lists the supported targets.  One target, validate, is only supported on attu.

To run Ant, right-click (for example) Assignments331/src/a0/build.xml in the Package Explorer. Right-click Run As » Ant Build... and in the resulting window select the appropriate target(s).

Play with some of the elements in the Run menu and also with some of the run buttons on the toolbar.  These will let you, for example, select one of a number of recently run Ant targets (or Java programs or JUnit tests or ...) easily.


Eclipse automatically recompiles your code every time you save. Classes with errors are marked in the Package Explorer with red cross marks. The compile errors, as well as compile warnings, also appear in the Problems view (usually situated at the bottom panel of Eclipse).

If Eclipse says your program does not compile—but you disagree—make sure that all of your files are saved and compiled. If that does not work, try refreshing your project (F5) or using Project » Rebuild Project to force Eclipse to recognize the latest versions of everything.

(Minor note: the compiler that Eclipse uses is different from the standard javac compiler.  In very rare cases, this may lead to programs that work differently depending on which compiler is used.  It's unlikely this will happen in 331, but it's worth keeping in mind just in case.)

Running Java Programs

Right-click on the Java source file containing the main() method and choose Run As... » Java Application.

Again, to ease your work, look for the re-run the last (or another earlier) menu entries and/or buttons. which will re-run the last application (or JUnit test, see below) that you ran.

Testing with JUnit

JUnit is the testing framework that you will be using for writing and running through your test cases for your problem sets. Currently, CSE331 uses JUnit 4.

For more information, visit:

JUnit is integrated with Eclipse, so you can run tests directly. There are several ways to run tests, here is one of them:

If you are not working at UW CSE, you might have to explicitly add the junit.jar library using Project » Properties » Java Build Path » Libraries » Add External JARs and then telling Eclipse where your copy of junit.jar is located.

Initial Setup

Here are some things that you have to do when you initially setup and run Eclipse.

  1. Select workspace. When Eclipse starts, displays a splash screen, and shows a workspace selection dialog, enter:


    where YourUserNameis your CSENetID username. (Don't try "~/workspace331" because Eclipse doesn't recognize the '~' character.)  Mark the checkbox to make this your default workspace.

  2. Configure JDK. To configure Eclipse to use the Java JDK (development kit) instead of the JRE (runtime environment)

    • Open the Window » Preferences dialog
    • Select Java » Installed JREs
    • Click Search... in the Installed JREs pane
    • In window that appears, select C:\ » Program Files » Java and click OK
    • In the Installed JREs list, check the box next to jdk1.6.0_27 and click OK

  3. Configure generic error reports. Early versions of Java only had collections (e.g., sets and lists) that contained any kind of object.  A list, for example, could have integer elements interspersed with string elements.  Generics were added to allow the typechecker to help eliminate problems that commonly arise from the earlier mix-and-match approach.  We expect you to help yourself by properly using generics (basically, ensuring that all elements of a collection are of the same type). Eclipse by default shows generics problems as warnings (indicated by yellow lines and markers). Change it so Eclipse issues errors (indicated by red lines and markers) instead:

    • Go to Windows » Preferences and select Java » Compiler » Errors/Warnings
    • Under Generic types, change the value of Uncheckedgeneric type operation to Error.