The incredible, infallible, intimidating design masters

Our Team

Eitan Feinberg, Group Manager

Delegation is his weapon. The overpowering "Group Manager" title gives him the power to abstain from any task and hand it off to any of his slaves teammates to do. Due to being really really really good-looking, Eitan has trouble not being noticed everywhere he goes; He can no longer attend Husky basketball games as the fans stop watching the game to cheerily chant, "Group Manager" at him.

The downside of being better than everyone else is that people tend to assume you're pretentious. — Larry Kersten

Josh Goodwin, Design

Josh is a design guru with blonde hair and an impressive resume. He has been a design and arts pioneer for years now, but gets little credit. In fact it was this man of mystery that taught Soulja boy to "crank that", told Bill Gates to call it "Windows", and you have him to thank every time you sit in a swivel chair that doesn't squeak. (He wasn't consulted by the EE building designers.)

Designers are meant to be loved, not to be understood. — Fabien Barral

Shirley Liou, Writing

This wordsmith serves out rhymes, like she had all day and all time. She is an essay queen, but she isn't mean. She don't need no dictionary, she just need her GMail on Blackberry!

They be starin' at the money like it's unfamiliar
I get it, I live it, to me there's nothings realer. — Drizzy Drake

Liz Moffat, Usability

A social magnate, she is the only one at the team who was invited to the party she's at. Unlike the rest of us, she's typically allowed in people's homes through their front-doors; she doesn't have to prop open a window or sneak through a pet door to spend quality time in someone's living room. Also, her close proximity to fraternities allows us to test our product with the demographic "Drunk and wearing sunglasses indoors."

Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings. — Unknown, but hilarious