CSE331 Autumn 2011
Software Design and Implementation

Assignment 0 (5%): Due 11:59PM Friday September 30, 2011

There are two objectives of this first assignment: to make sure that you get your basic Java development environment setup and working; and to get a small amount of practice with Java once again.

With respect to the development environment:

With respect to Java programming, if you feel rusty we recommend walking through Oracle's Java Tutorial. We also provide three optional Java programming problems below that you can solve if you want more practice.  

You are free to get help from anyone, on any portion of this problem set; that is, the standard collaboration policy does not apply to this problem set. You will need to know this material for the remainder of the quarter, however, so make sure you understand the tools and the concepts. This assignment's primary focus for grading is correctness, not style.

Note for later: This assignment does not include any information on using version control (svn) or unit testing (JUnit).  These will come soon and will require learning more about Eclipse, version control and unit testing.  The only warning for now is that you should be very careful to save your files often and in a place that is backed-up and stable (most likely, your account on attu).

All turn-in for this assignment is through the Catalyst webq (your Java code will be copied-and-pasted there). It is set to let you backtrack, edit, etc. so you can work on it in bits and pieces, as needed.

Part I: Questionnaire (10 points) 

Complete the questionnaire in the Catalyst turn-in form (see bottom of page).

Part II: Setting up your development environment -- and running Hello World! (10 points)

Do the inital setup for Eclipse.  Then do the following to create and run Hello World!

  1. Make sure you are in the Java perspective in Eclipse: Window >> Open Perspective >> Java (default).  An Eclipse perspective helps you organize, see and edit your programs through a specific view; take a peek at a couple of other perspectives, in particular noting that there are differences between the Java perspective, the Java Browsing perspective and the Java Type Hierarchy perspective!
  2. Create a new Java project named Assignments331 (or such) using File >> New >> Java Project.  Java projects are an Eclipse structure that contains source code and a Java builder that compiles the program incrementally as the source code is modified.  Using the defaults, click through the following screens to create the project. 
  3. In this new project, create a package named a0, again using File >> New....  You've seen Java packages before -- they defined as part of Java as a way to organize the namespaces of Java programs.  a0 should be created under the src directory of the project.
  4. Using File >> New again, create a Java class named HelloWorld in package a0.  You can select the defaults, which will create the class and some basic template information.  Now visit HelloWorld.java and, using copy-and-paste, replace the created template with that code. (We'll see better ways to load existing programs later on.) You should now be able to run HelloWorld (using Ctrl-F11 or Run >> Run As >> Java application), seeing the output in the console. 
  5. Modify this class to set the greeting to "Hello World!  Best wishes from <uwid>!" where <uwid> is the name that comes before your @u.washington.edu identifier.  For example, my @u identifier is notkin so my greeting would be: "Hello World!  Best wishes from notkin!"  (Run it to check, of course.)

Part III: Eclipse tutorial (10 points)

Different people have different learning styles.  So you can pick among the following approaches to get the basics of Eclipse. You can mix-and-match any of the following Eclipse tutorials and guides:

Part IV: Fixing our buggy code (10 points)

Create another class, HolaWorld, and again using copy-and-paste, replace the template with HolaWorld.java.  When you try to compile this code, you should see compilation errors in the file.  In particular the lines

return spanishGree;

are problematic.  Eclipse marks these errors with red squiggly lines in HolaWorld.java and the Package Explorer marks HolaWorld.java with a red crossmark. (In some cases, you may only see the second error after you've fixed the first one.  And if you get errors for other files, ignore them for now.) Fix these errors and run HolaWorld.  Then modify the greeting to be: "Hola Mundo! Los mejores deseos de <uwid>!"   Run it to check, of course.

What is output when you invoke HolaWorld through its main method, and why? 

Part V: The RandomHello class (10 points)

Define your first Java class with a main method that will randomly choose, and then print to the console, one of five possible greetings that you define.  Including the main method makes the class runnable, just like HelloWorld and HolaWorld. So, create a Java class named RandomHello—select the obvious checkbox on the initial class creation screen to generate main.  This class will be in package a0.

A code skeleton for the RandomHello class is shown below, some of it generated by Eclipse when you create the class. This skeleton is a starting point; you are free to organize it as you see fit.

package a0;

* RandomHello selects a random greeting to display to the user.
public class RandomHello {

* Uses a RandomHello object to print
* a random greeting to the console.
public static void main(String[] argv) {
RandomHello randomHello = new RandomHello();

* @return a random greeting from a list of five different greetings.
public String getGreeting() {

Use Java's Random class to select a greeting; most likely, you've used this in 142/143.  To create the random number generator itself use something like:

Random randomGenerator = new Random();

To create a random number between 0 and 4, use a method invocation like randomGenerator.nextInt

You must import the Random class by entering the import java.util.Random directly or by using Eclipse's CTRL-SHIFT-O command to Organize your imports.  This command adds import statements to your code for missing packages and removes them for unneeded packages.  (If the class that needs to be imported is ambiguous — for example, there is a java.util.List as well as a java.awt.List—Eclipse will give you a choice.)   Until you include the proper import statements, Eclipse will use a red underline to mark your code as an error.

One way to store a random greeting is using an array. This approach might look something like:

String[] greetings = new String[] {
         "Hello World",
         "Hola Mundo",
         "Bonjour Monde",
         "Hallo Welt",
         "Ciao Mondo"}

When you are finished writing your code and it compiles, run it several times to ensure that all five greetings can be displayed.

Part VI: Quiz (10 points)

This quiz asks a few Java as well as Eclipse questions.

Part VII: Prime numbers (10 points)

This is yet another exercise intended to get you a little more Eclipse experience and to brush up on a little bit of Java as well.  If you have difficulties with the Java, you will want to read up on Java control flow statements.  Most of you have learned about computing primes using the Sieve of Eratosthenes, and many of you have even written a program in 142/143 to implement this. Open Primes.java with your browser and use it to create a new runnable class Primes. Implement the new method findPrimesFaster in class Primes by copying the code from the findPrimes method and modifying it to have the following features:

Part VIII: Prime numbers again (10 points)

This is the final exercise intended to get you a little more Eclipse experience and to brush up on a little bit of Java as well.  If you have difficulties with the Java, you will want to read up on Java objects and arrays. In this problem you will implement the method findPrimesEvenFaster in the class Primes. You may want to look at the Java Array or ArrayList structures. Your implementation should take the following into account:

Observe how fast each method takes to perform the task. Did you notice anything strange when you ran the program?

Optional Java programs (0 points)

These are three more programs you can write if you feel you need or want additional practice writing Java code.  They will not be graded, but feel free to bring them to the staff for comments, suggestions, help if you run into trouble, etc.

Optional #1: This is an exercise intended to get you a little more Eclipse experience and to brush up on a little bit of Java as well.  If you have difficulties with the Java, you will want to read up on Java variables, operators, expressions, statements and blocks, and numbers.  (One place to read up is the Java tutorial.)

Open FinancialCalc.java with your browser and look at the (undocumented) code, which calculates the value of investing an initial sum of money at a specified interest rate and for a specified number of years.  Using Eclipse, create a new runnable class MyFinancialCalc that calculates:

  1. The amount of money you should invest today (at an interest rate of 5%) to have a total amount of $1000.00 at the end of four years.
  2. The interest rate you need to turn an initial investment of $500.00 into $525.00 at the end of three years. (Hint: be careful when carrying out integer arithmetic—don't forget to cast variables if necessary).
  3. The number of years you need to invest an initial sum of $100.00 at an interest rate of 4.4% to have a final value of $150.00 (hint: the number of years is not necessarily an integer).

You should consider using the methods in the class java.lang.Math to aid your calculations. Remember that the value (V) of an investment (principal P) compounded yearly for Y years at interest rate I is given by the formula:

V = P * (1 + I)^Y

(If you were doing real financial calculations, the floating-point arithmetic used by the double and float types is in practice a poor choice for financial calculations because it is not exact.  What would be a good alternative?)

Optional #2: Write a new class called StringScrambler that takes a String as input and reverses the order of all words found in the String. So for example:

Assume that a word consists of consecutive characters (letters, numbers, and punctuation) not separated by whitespace. Also assume that all words in the input string have at most one space between them, and that the input string has no initial or trailing spaces. So for example, the following sentence violates all three assumptions:

You may want to look at the method split() and the classes and Arrays. Feel free to define as many helper methods as you need. For extra optional practice, implement your own version of the split() method. (One TA was asked to do this last part at an internship interview.)

Optional #3:  Using the following class that supports Point objects, define a class Line. Include a constructor to create a line from two points, a method length to calculate the length of a line, and a method toString to print out a description of the line. Finally, write a method intersects, called from a Line object, which returns a point as the intersection of two lines.

class Point {
  double x;
  double y;

  // Create a point from coordinates
  Point(double xVal, double yVal) {
  x = xVal;
  y = yVal;


All turn-in for this assignment is through the Catalyst webq (your Java code will be copied-and-pasted there). It is set to let you backtrack, edit, etc. so you can work on it in bits and pieces, as needed.