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CSE466-02au Lab Assignment 6 -- Due In Week 11/11


For the remainder of the quarter the labs will be focused on building up a project that will end in a competition. The first part of the quarter was spent on introducing you to wiring hardware, the ATMEL architecture, and programming an embedded system. For the remainder of the quarter we will continue to build on the material from the first part of the quarter towards a competition that will occur during the final exam time of this class. A general description of the overall project is given at the end of this lab

After this lab you should know:



  1. Connecting IrDA transceiver to the ATMega16

    We are going to operate our IR communications via a serial connection but unfortunately the ATMega16 only has one UART. Therefore, you must build your IrDA interface using a multiplexer on the Atmel's serial port. Here is the schematic for the serial setup. The Multiplexer will allow switching between programming the processor and serial communication via IrDA (The boot loader will do the switching for you).

  2. Bidirectional communication between the Palm and ATMega16

    1. By now you should have completed the Lab 5 tutorial
    2. Write a simple serial transmission protocol of your invention so that the inputted number (between '0' and 'f') to the Palm is transmitted over the UART to the Atmel. It is fine to adapt the "Palm serial chat program" from Lab 5 to be used as user interface to the Palm.
    3. Write a simple program for the Atmel that uses your communication protocol and takes the transmitted information from the palm and displays it on the 7-segment LED. The Atmel program should invert the number [F-n] and re-transmit it to the Palm, which should display it.


Competition Details

The goals of this project are to