SpamBuster adds a set of header fields to each message that it scans. All start with the string X-Uwcse-Spam-. Here is an example::

   X-Uwcse-Spam-Flag: YES
   X-Uwcse-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.1.3 (2006-06-01) on
   X-Uwcse-Spam-Level: ***************************
   X-Uwcse-Spam-Status: Yes, score=27.4 required=4.5 tests=DRUGS_ERECTILE,
        autolearn=disabled version=3.1.3

and here is what they mean:

This value of this field will consist entirely of the string YES if the message was identified as spam. The intent is to provide a field that is very easy to use with email-client filters.
This is a signature for the version of the ruleset in effect at the time and on which SpamBuster server that the message was processed.
This field gives a graphical representation of the score earned by the message. For a message that had a score the number of asterisks represents the integer value of the spam score.
This field contains verbose information about SpamBuster's processing of the message. In the example above, the message was identified as spam and scored a value of 27.4, well above the threshold of 4.5 that was in effect when it was processed. The tests subfield identifies the named rules that were matched by the message (a complete list of the rules and names can be found at the SpamAssassin site). The autolearn subfield identifies whether SpamBuster's Bayesian classifier automatically learns the message as ham or spam-- disabled at this point. The version subfield identifies the version number of the SpamAssassin ruleset that was in effect-- 3.1.3 in this case.

SpamBuster Version 2.0