The Lab pre-provisions a stub website and course calendar for every course offered in a given quarter. Please look below for information on how find, access and modify these websites.

How are Course Webs named?

We have naming scheme for a standard directory hierarchy to contain course web data. This naming scheme is reflected in both the filesystem path and url for each course.

The first element of the path is the course number, examples: cse143, cse333, csep512

The second element is the quarter in which the course is given. This is a 2 digit year, followed by a 2 letter quarter abbreviation. The quarter paths for 2017 would be: 17wi, 17sp, 17su, 17au

See below on how these elements are used in the URL and filesystem spaces

What is the URL for my course web?

Course URLs look like this:<course-number>/<quarter>
For example:

How do I get to the docroot?

You can access the docroot for your courseweb from any CSE managed host (The attu cluster or the *cycle cluster for example).

From a unix system you can find the files in the cse file tree at:


From a Windows host your O: drive should already be mapped, so files can be located at:


What if I want to host my course web somewhere else?

You can use a .htaccess file in the webroot of your courseweb to redirect students to an external site. Create a file called .htaccess and put the following information in it:

redirectmatch 301 / https://new.url

Do my TA's have access to modify course web files too?

Yes! They are added to a unix group based on information in the TA database maintained by Pim. If they're listed as a TA for your course, they'll get permissions.

I want to restrict some files to authenticated users only

You'll find directories named 'uwnetid' and 'csenetid' in your course web docroot. Those two directories will force users to authenticate with either their UWNetID or CSENetID respectively. If you want different authentication controls, you can create a directory and place an .htaccess file within, following our the guidelines found in our web authentication guide:

Can I auto-deploy my course website with Git CI/CD?

Yes. First make sure you have added your website repository to CSE Gitlab. Then contact CSE Support and we will help you with next steps. It's a good idea to get familiar with Gitlab CI to and .gitlab-ci.yml file formatting as it will be used to orchestrate the deployment. At this time, we are unable to provide this service for GitHub repositories.