Technical Report Coordinator:
Elle Brown (ellean at, CSE 101

The following information is intended to help you understand how the technical report process works in general, bring you up-to-date on some of the additions and changes to policy and guide you on some of the newer features of producing and dispensing technical reports. If you have any questions or suggestions for this informational memo, please contact the technical report coordinator.

Publishing a Technical Report and obtaining a TR number:

Remember: a TR number cannot be given out without an explicit OK from a faculty member.

When you are ready to publish a technical report you will need a TR number. Please include this number on the title page. Our numbers are based on Year-Month-Sequence (not day). To obtain a TR number contact the TR Coordinator (listed above) and please be prepared to provide the following information via email:

  • title of the paper
  • all authors, listed IN ORDER
  • an ASCII version of the abstract

Once the OK is received from the appropriate faculty member, the TR Coordinator will respond via email with the TR number issued for that report. In addition, the author(s) need to provide the URL (or file location) of the pdf of your TR

If this is not possible for your report, please let us know.

Once published, links to technical reports will be available at

This HTML document features several indexes and pointers to downloadable files.

Preparing the PDF file

The requested file format is PDF.

If your report consists of more than one file, you may use tar or zip to create a single file archive. If your report contains large graphics (large in the bytes-of-storage-required sense), you may prefer to keep the small-ish textual parts separate from the large parts. This strategy avoids forcing the causal browser to download multi-megabytes just to read your abstract. If your end result consists of more than one file, please provide a README file to help the user make sense of it all.

Submitting the file

Submit the following to the TR-coordinator listed at the top of this document.

  • The name of the file/directory or URL which contains your TR (in a suitably unprotected place).
  • TR number
  • Title
  • Author(s)

How to obtain a hard copy of CSE Technical Reports

A limited number of extra copies of Technical Reports dating from 1990 to 1995 are currently available and in stock. Please see the TR Coordinator for more information.

Please note, if the TR is available on-line, additional copies will not be made for these files.

If people ask you how they can receive technical reports from this department please tell them to: